These comments raise new questions about the operation of the International Space Station.

The space station has been manned continuously since 2000 by rotating crews made up of astronauts and other cosmonauts. It is an extremely expensive and complex example of superpower cooperation. This date back to the end the Cold War. It was an extension of the 1970s detente that culminated with the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project.

Although the relationship was not always smooth, both sides have supported each other and the station cannot be operated by itself. The most important challenges facing the project are Russia’s invasion in Ukraine, the threatening rhetoric of Russian President Vladimir Putin, and the severe sanctions announced recently by President Biden.

Biden stated Thursday that he estimates we will cut off more then half of Russia’s high-tech imports. We’ll also strike a blow at their ability to modernize their army.”

He continued, “It will affect their aerospace industry, and their space program.” It will affect their ability build ships, which will reduce their economic competitiveness. It will also be a significant blow to Putin’s strategic long-term goals.”

The White House factsheet that provided details about the sanctions didn’t mention space but stated that the United States would impose restrictions on sensitive U.S. technology produced in other countries by U.S.-origin software or technology.

This includes Russia-wide restrictions in semiconductors, telecommunications, encryption security and lasers. Russia will be unable to access cutting-edge technology due to these severe and persistent controls.”

NASA did not immediately comment on the impact of the crisis on the space station, or what kind of contingency planning may be in place. The statement that “the International Space Station Team is continuing to safely carry out research operations in low Earth orbit” was all NASA could offer.

“NASA continues to work with the State Space Corporation Roscosmos… and our international partners in Canada and Europe to continue safe and continuous International Space Station operations.”

Dmitry Rogozin (director of Roscosmos) fired off a series of tweets directed at Biden, the West, and expressing anger and sarcasm. He noted that Russian thrusters can boost the station’s altitude in order to counter atmospheric drag, and move the lab away from danger by space debris.

Elon Musk, SpaceX founder, was even criticized for his launch of thousands of Starlink satellites which he claimed have “polluted” low Earth orbit.

“Maybe President Biden has gotten off-topic, so explain that the correction of station’s orbit and its avoidance from dangerous rendezvous with satellite garbage with which your talented businessmen polluted the near Earth orbit is produced exclusively using the engines of Russian Progress MS cargo ships,” his tweet read.

He did not mention a Russian anti-satellite weapons testing which created a cloud potentially hazardous space debris.

Russian engines will also provide the thrust necessary to safely propel the space station into the atmosphere at its end. The goal is to re-enter over an unpopulated stretch to avoid any debris falling on areas.

“If you stop cooperating with us, who will save ISS from an uncontrolled orbit and fall into the United States of Europe?” According to Google Translate, he tweeted in Russian. “There are also options to send a 500-ton steel structure to India or China. Are you willing to make a threat with such a prospect for them?

“The ISS doesn’t fly over Russia so all the risks are yours. Are you prepared for them? Gentlemen, make sure to check the source of your sanctions for Alzheimer’s disease. To avoid your sanctions falling on your head. This is not a literal sense.

The space station’s construction was possible only with the cooperation of Russia and the United States. Russia provided shuttle transportation to American and partner agencies after Columbia’s 2003 disaster.

Roscosmos has found the ferry service to be lucrative and profitable. The company charges up to $90 per seat and has taken in $4 billion over the years.

Rogozin stated that Russia supplies the propellants and thrusters required to periodically reboost station. This is a crucial capability NASA can’t replace. Thrusters are built into the Zarya and Zvezda Russian modules, as well as aboard Progress supply ships. They enable maneuvering.

The first U.S. vehicle capable of reboost after the space shuttle was launched is the Northrop Grumman Cygnus cargo vessel, which arrived this week. However, it can’t replace the Russian capability.

NASA, for its part, provides the bulk of the station’s solar power. It also uses four huge gyroscopes in order to reorient the lab as needed without the use of thrusters. NASA also offers spacewalk equipment, computer services, and wireless communications.

However, NASA astronauts do not have the training to operate Russian systems. Cosmonauts can also use Russian systems. The lab cannot be safely operated by either side alone.

NASA is now able to transport crew to the ISS using SpaceX Dragon capsules, and soon-to fly Boeing Starliners. Crew Dragons have already carried four NASA-sponsored crews, with another NASA crew scheduled for April 15th.

Russian and American crewmates

The station’s current crew includes 2 Russians, Pyotr and Mark Dubrov from the USA, and 3 Americans, Raja Chari, Thomas Marshburn and Kayla Barron, who were all launched on Soyuzs. Matthias Maurer, European Space Agency astronaut, is also aboard.

Both sides are currently negotiating plans for launching astronauts on Soyuz and crew members aboard Crew Dragons. This will ensure that both agencies have personnel to operate critical systems in the event of an emergency.

Two NASA astronauts completed Soyuz training recently in Star City, near Moscow. One of them is scheduled to launch on an upcoming Soyuz. A cosmonaut also trained for his first flight on a SpaceX Crew Dragon. Both missions will be launched in September.

However, a final agreement is still not in place and it’s not known how negotiations will fare under the current crisis. The hatches between Russia and the US segments of the ISS are still open. This is a symbol of the cooperation that was required to assemble and operate one of the most complex spacecraft ever made.

In a CBS News interview, Vande Hei stated that he hoped things would go well in U.S.-Russian relations. “I think the success of the space station, and the cooperation we have with the Russians regarding the space station, is a sign of how cooperative we can be, and not finding points of conflict.”