Elon Musk, an entrepreneur who always postulates himself as the technological advance, surprised a few days ago with a letter signed by him and 1,800 other people requesting a pause in research on artificial intelligence. There were many of those signatories who gasped when they found themselves in such trouble, because their signatures had been falsified or used without knowing it.
Musk is one of the founders of the OpenAI company, which has developed the ubiquitous ChatGPT tool, although he left its board three years ago. Many were surprised that someone with so much drive asked to put the brake on. The astonishment has gone even further.
Barely two weeks after that letter, it is known that Musk, owner of Tesla, Space X or Twitter (now X Corp), among other companies, has created a new company dedicated to the development of artificial intelligence, which he has named X AI, according to The Wall Street Journal.
The registration was already made last March, before the pause request was published. The leadership of the project is assumed by Musk himself, who has Jared Birchall, formerly of Morgan Stanley and director of the entrepreneur’s family office, as secretary.
The speed with which he is moving causes raised eyebrows when contrasted with his initiative to put the brakes on this matter when considering that AI systems pose a threat. He also criticized OpenAI, after getting Microsoft involved, for an alleged lack of transparency and being too focused on a commercial mindset.
In his eagerness to get a foothold in this business, he has already begun to recruit artificial intelligence researchers and engineers, in addition to speaking with numerous investors. “A lot of people are investing in this, which is real and exciting,†he told the Financial Times.
This move, with which it joins giants like Microsoft, Google and Amazon, as well as startups like OpenAI, demonstrates a quick turn in the direction of its affairs, or simply that the card was an ace that was taken out of the picture. sleeve to save time, according to not a few specialists in this sector.
In a preview of a statement that Fox will broadcast next week, Musk says that AI “is more dangerous than badly designed airplanes or poorly produced cars,” fields in which he already has experience. “It has the potential to destroy civilization,†he adds.
In his new project, thousands of GPU processors (formed by many smaller and specialized cores) from the company Nvidia, a key piece for the development of artificial intelligence, have already been guaranteed.
GPUs are the high-end chips required for the goal of building extensive language model, AI systems capable of ingesting huge amounts of content and producing human-like writing or realistic images, much like computer technology. ChatGPT. Musk was asked in an interview on Twitter about that acquisition. In his response, he did not mention his plans to create the AI ​​company. “Looks like everyone and their dogs are buying GPUs right now,†he shot back.