Kubernetes (K8s) is an operating system level utility that allows you to access your programs, allows your programs to talk to each other, and generally keeps them running.

A Kubernetes consultant learns your expectations of what your organization should do and then sets up your Kubernetes cloud space to manage your business programs. Through powerful container programming, similar to that used by Google, Kubernetes, or Kube as it is sometimes affectionately known, a Kubernetes consulting specialist can set your programs up in clusters that perform similar or related functions – such as the way daily attendance will affect the meals prepared for lunch in a large school.

Because your business programs are talking to each other, small bits of data that are entered through invoices or receipts, appointment calendars or meeting minutes, make their way not into just one function, but into all functions that might be affected by the information. Furthermore, it can be set up to do it without a great deal of added effort on your part.

Imagine running a table at a flea market and using your cell phone to record sales. Information about each sale is uploaded to your cloud as it occurs. No more wearisome tallying up at the end of the day, no more chasing pennies through several columns of spreadsheets to learn where the balance is off. The information is entered and simultaneously sent to all the other places where it might need to go. Setting containers up in clusters greatly facilitates the speed and efficiency with which the various functions interact. That’s progress.

Where do Kubernetes consulting specialists come in? They can set up your Kubernetes cloud – you would probably expect that. But they can go a step or two farther and help educate you and your staff so that you understand what your containers are doing. While Kubernetes greatly improves efficiency and cuts down on errors because information is entered once and duplicated digitally, human error is always possible.

Of course, Kubernetes consultants will be around to help out by tracking any of the few problems that might develop, but it is always good for you and your staff to have a list of simple, first things to try if a problem should arise. Or to put it another way: Kubernetes is a solid, reliable platform that will behave in expected ways. They are your backup for when the unexpected occurs.