news 05092024 141231
news 05092024 141231

Judge Cannon’s Bias in Jack Smith’s Case Against Trump: New Brief Calls for Removal

The legal battle between Jack Smith and President Trump over the possession of government documents has taken a new turn with the filing of a “friend of the court brief” urging the recusal of Judge Aileen Cannon from the case. This request, coming from the legal advocacy group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), marks a critical development in the stalled prosecution, potentially signaling a volatile phase ahead.

CREW’s Call for Recusal

CREW’s request to the 11th United States Court of Appeals seeks to have the case reassigned to another district judge, arguing that Judge Cannon’s bias has tainted her rulings in the case against Trump. The group points to Judge Cannon’s decision to dismiss charges against Trump based on her finding that Mr. Smith’s appointment was unconstitutional. This ruling overturned what some legal observers believed to be a strong case against the former president.

Judge Cannon’s Rulings and Controversy

Judge Cannon’s decision to dismiss the charges was based on her belief that Attorney General Garland’s appointment of Mr. Smith was defective due to lack of statutory authority and Senate confirmation. She also cited violations of the Constitution’s Appointments Clause in her ruling. However, Mr. Smith’s appeal did not include a request for Judge Cannon’s removal, despite previous reversals of her decisions by higher courts.

CREW’s Criticism of Judge Cannon

CREW has criticized Judge Cannon for what they see as mishandling of a “straightforward case” involving the unauthorized possession of government documents by a former president. The group alleges that Judge Cannon’s failure to move the case forward in a timely manner, coupled with her unusual rulings, suggests bias against the prosecution. They argue that a reasonable observer could conclude that Judge Cannon’s actions are driven by a desire to protect Trump’s dignity rather than uphold justice.

Calls for Removal and Appellate Review

CREW has called on the 11th Circuit to exercise its supervisory power and remove Judge Cannon from the case, citing concerns about her impartiality. The group asserts that Judge Cannon’s views on the case make her unable to decide it fairly and that her actions have undermined the prosecution’s efforts. While Mr. Smith has not endorsed CREW’s argument for Judge Cannon’s removal, the appellate court has the authority to consider such requests independently.

Potential Precedent for Removal

There is precedent for appellate courts removing judges from cases based on concerns of bias or impartiality. In 2013, the Second United States Appeals Circuit removed Judge Shira Scheindlin from stop-and-frisk cases on its own initiative. This demonstrates that the 11th Circuit could potentially take action to address CREW’s concerns about Judge Cannon’s handling of the case against Trump.


The legal battle between Jack Smith and President Trump has taken a new turn with CREW’s call for the recusal of Judge Cannon from the case. The group’s allegations of bias and impartiality against the judge have raised questions about the fairness of the proceedings. As the case moves forward, the 11th Circuit will have to consider whether Judge Cannon’s actions warrant removal from the case and what impact this may have on the prosecution of Trump.