Neither the tempered glass nor the shockproof covers prevent you from suffering a scare to death every time the mobile falls due to an oversight or ends up on the ground. Keeping a mobile protected from all these kinds of mishaps is one of the basic concerns of smartphone device owners. However, all that security that goes into protecting its exterior is often forgotten when it comes to ensuring the well-being of its internal components. And one of the great forgotten is the mobile battery.

Sometimes it is left charging much longer than necessary or any type of charger is used. Actions that don’t even tend to be repaired in case they should or shouldn’t be cause for concern (they are). But there is one that usually generates doubts and reluctance in many people: free charging points. Is it safe to charge the mobile in public USB sockets?

The answer to this question is clear: it is not safe to charge a mobile in a public USB socket. In fact, experts strongly advise against doing so. The reason is that, by using one of these free charging points for the smartphone to recover its battery, it will be completely exposed to theft of information and passwords. Even the images could be usurped.

Cybercriminals use malware, a type of software with bad intentions, to access the device when it is connected and get all the data they want.

However, what if there is no choice but to use that public uploader? In this case, there are two ways to recover the phone’s battery, minimizing the risks, although not completely eliminating them. To use a public USB charger more securely, it is advised to disable the function related to data transfer. Although the least dangerous way will be to keep the mobile turned off for the entire duration of the connection.

One of the ways to extend the useful life of a mobile phone’s battery is to avoid using it during the charging process, especially if it involves highly demanding applications, such as video games or audiovisual content consumption platforms. It is also advisable to avoid fast and wireless charging, this is due to the heat that is generated during the process and that will harm the battery in the long run. And, of course, avoid poor quality chargers, better opt for a reliable and safe one.