Nuclio Digital School, one of the main digital business schools in Spain, and Huawei, the world’s leading provider of information and communication technology infrastructures, have reached an agreement to promote the training of Internet of Things professionals, one of the digital disciplines with the greatest demand forecast in the coming years.

It is in this era of incessant changes and technological advances, where the ability to adapt is more necessary than ever, the industry does not stop mutating. And without a doubt, the introduction of intelligent technologies is setting the course for Industry 4.0 to follow.

As Nuclio points out, the new industry is characterized by a growing and unstoppable digitization. This is fostered by an enormous growth in the data that is generated worldwide, new forms of interaction between individuals and machines, as well as an exponential improvement in communication between the digital and physical world.

All these disruptive factors are closely related to a specific technology: the Internet of Things (abbreviated IoT for its acronym in English). This technology seeks to provide intelligence to devices, thanks to the digital interconnection between them.

The alliance with Nuclio Digital School gives Huawei the opportunity to expand its reach in the technology and education market, by partnering with a leading institution in the training of professionals both in IoT and in other digital disciplines with the highest demand in the new digital age. Likewise, this collaboration will allow Nuclio Digital School to have Huawei experts as teachers, who will contribute their business vision, in addition to giving masterclasses in key areas such as 5G, Cloud and IoT communications.

The Marketing Manager of Huawei Empresas España, Kitty Tsui, explains that “we are in a digital era in which all industries have been transformed due to the constant and unstoppable development of digital technologies. In this context, the Nuclio Digital School is an engine for digitization thanks to the Master in IoT Master in IoT, a course with a flexible design and a clear objective, which I am sure will have a very positive impact”.

For his part, the director of the IoT Master at Nuclio Digital School, Daniel Garrote, believes that “large corporations such as Huawei play a fundamental role in the development of IoT technologies, since in addition to generating a lot of employment, they offer tools to other companies to develop their own IoT projects, which enriches and enhances the ecosystem. This collaboration will enrich the program and increase the quality of training by providing a corporate focus on where the market is going in different sectors”.

The master’s, with a bootcamp format, provides a 360º vision of the world of IoT, addressing both the technical and business aspects: design and implementation of end-to-end solutions, standards, protocols and market trends, selection of components and technologies, opportunities in different sectors, success stories and new business models based on IoT.

All with a clear objective: to manage to train experts to achieve the evolution to a more interconnected, secure and capable digital industry. Master’s students will be able to function in all areas of IoT, developing roles such as IoT consultant, embedded device firmware developer, cloud IoT solutions architect, IoT platform administrator, communications technician and IoT devices, and including CEO or CTO in an IoT product startup.

Nuclio Digital School was born in Barcelona in 2018 by Carlos Blanco and Jared Gil as part of the Nuclio entrepreneurial ecosystem. Currently, it is one of the leading digital business schools in Spain, with physical campuses in Barcelona and Madrid and with students from the rest of Europe and Latin America. In its first years, the company managed to reach breakeven and a positive ebitda.