Employees value that their company offers health and wellness services, to the point of rethinking their work present. According to the ‘Radiografía de la Salud en la Empresa’ survey, prepared by Savia, MAPFRE’s digital health platform, 66% of employees consider it important that their organization offers this type of service. In addition, 55% state that they take into account whether an organization has these benefits when changing jobs.

According to the study, those workers who already receive this type of benefits from their company value them more than those who still do not have access to them. This shows that these services help companies to retain their employees, point out from MAPFRE. In fact, 73% of those surveyed who say they receive a service rate it as important or very important. Among the most demanded, health insurance financed as the first option (29%) and physiotherapy services, chosen by 22% of those interviewed, stand out.

The report also shows a growing interest in emotional well-being, physical activity and nutrition services which, together, are one of the most desired. Employees between the ages of 18 and 34 are the ones who show the greatest affinity for these services, along with psychological care, also relevant for women. For their part, men give priority to video consultations and medical chat, as can be seen from the study.

In this sense, Savia also has its own digital health solution for companies, which makes emotional, nutritional and physical activity health services available to companies, telemedicine services and prevention and protection services. In this way, Savia helps companies to ensure the well-being of their workers, offering them health services 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and facilitating the prevention of possible illnesses, which contributes to significantly reducing the work abstention.

Imagine having your trusted doctor without waiting times and with the guarantee of being attended whenever you need it, but online. Savia, MAPFRE’s telemedicine app, will have a new personal doctor service, a pioneer in telemedicine, which responds to user requests to also have a personal doctor in the virtual environment. This new service aims to improve patient care and make digital health more accessible.

The users of the app will be able to solve all the doubts they have in an unlimited way through chat and videoconferences, have access to their medical history and the electronic prescriptions that have been prescribed for them. The key is to provide personalized assistance, because the doctor will know the patient’s needs by having followed up on him from the beginning, the company points out. Savia’s personal doctor will not only care for the patient, but will help them with any health problems they may have.

Savia also has online nutrition and dietetic services adapted to the needs of patients. Thus, any user has the possibility of segmenting their nutritional plan, either based on their objective, such as coaching, muscle mass increase, weight loss control and disease control; of your age or moment in life, such as during pregnancy and lactation, menopause or to acquire certain sports or vegetarian habits; and according to possible pathologies that he suffers.

Then, the MAPFRE digital health platform specialist will be in charge of advising the patient and helping them adopt a healthy lifestyle through proper nutrition, or following a specific nutrition plan based on the medical history and objective. As with the personal doctor, contact is made 100% online, through video consultations that let patients know that they are going to be treated, saving time and avoiding annoying waiting.

Another pioneering project in which the company is working is the Digital Hospital, where users will be able to find, in the same space, both online and face-to-face medical services for family doctors, emergencies, specialty video consultations, analysis and tests. The objective is to create a comprehensive health concept that is available 365 days a year 24/7.

MAPFRE’s digital health platform, with more than 420,000 registered users, has recently been selected as a digitizing agent. In this way, it will accompany and advise companies in their digitization process, and will help interested companies to manage the request for the Digital Kit subsidy, an initiative of the Government of Spain to improve digitization in the business environment. The aid program is financed by the European Union through the Next Generation EU funds for the digitization of SMEs and the self-employed.

Some of the services of the Savia Digital Kit are the video consultation without the need to download an app or the medical chat, through which the client can instantly contact the patient or call them directly from the platform without the need for a telephone. In the chat you can exchange documents, reports and complementary tests. Another outstanding service included in the Savia Digital Kit is the possibility of generating electronic prescriptions and sending them to the patient, as well as managing schedules and payments.