news 14062024 001747
news 14062024 001747

The latest updates for the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S have brought some exciting new features to enhance the gaming experience for users. Let’s start with the PlayStation 5, where Discord integration has finally arrived. This means players can now join voice channels and group messages directly from the PlayStation UI, making cross-play and social interactions much easier. Additionally, child accounts on the PS5 can now link and add third-party services like Discord, Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube, and Twitch, enhancing their gameplay experience. New parental controls are also available for better account management. The update also includes improvements to device software for wireless headsets and overall system performance and stability.

Moving on to the Xbox Series X/S, dynamic backgrounds have been updated to allow users to choose their favorite moving images and have game art fill the background when toggling over a game. Another useful addition is the ability to store up to 10 Wi-Fi connections, making it easier to connect to different networks while on the go. Managing subscriptions directly from the settings menu is another convenient feature introduced in this update. The update also includes firmware updates for the Xbox Wireless Controller, a new Game Pass sub-navigation menu for PC, and improved support for mouse and keyboard for cloud gaming.

These updates bring a range of new features and improvements to both consoles, enhancing the overall gaming experience for players. Whether it’s easier social interactions on the PS5 or more customization options on the Xbox Series X/S, these updates are sure to please gamers looking to get the most out of their current-gen consoles. So, grab your controller, update your console, and enjoy all the new features these updates have to offer!