
ARRI Unveils Hi-5 SX Single-Axis Wireless Hand Unit

ARRI has introduced its latest innovation, the Hi-5 SX single-axis wireless hand unit. This new device offers a cost-effective solution for controlling almost any lens on any camera, boasting ARRI’s renowned dependability at an attractive price point.

Key Features:
– Cost-effective single-axis version of ARRI’s flagship Hi-5 hand unit
– Third-party compatibility: “Any camera, any lens”
– The most robust and sophisticated single-axis unit on the market
– Upgradeable via software licenses to full Hi-5 functionality
– Swappable radio modules for different setups and regions

The Hi-5 SX features a weatherproof and durable design, along with an ergonomic form factor that ensures comfort during operation. It comes equipped with a large display and a touchscreen interface based on a camera GUI.

One of the standout features of the Hi-5 SX is its upgradeability through optional software licenses. Users can enhance the functionality of the unit with licenses such as the Hi-5 SX Plus License and the Hi-5 SX All-Axis License, which offer advanced capabilities for lens control.

Custom Smart Rings are another innovative feature of the Hi-5 SX, allowing users to create personalized rings for focus or iris pulling. These rings can be easily programmed into the unit, providing a unique and consistent user experience across different lenses and hand units.

The Hi-5 SX caters to a range of professionals, from 1st ACs looking to maximize their investment to rental companies seeking to optimize their equipment inventory. With its ruggedized housing and reliable performance in harsh conditions, the Hi-5 SX is a versatile tool for filmmakers and cinematographers.

The Hi-5 SX will be available for order starting July 1, 2024, with shipping commencing on October 1, 2024. Pricing details, including new Starter Set packages and license costs, will be announced before the release date.

Overall, the ARRI Hi-5 SX sets a new standard for single-axis wireless hand units, offering a blend of functionality, flexibility, and durability that caters to the evolving needs of the filmmaking industry.