A dirigible balloon or zeppelin is a self-propelled aerostat with the ability to be driven like an aircraft. Aerostatic lift occurs through tanks filled with a gas with a lower density than the atmosphere. These devices were the first capable of flying and being controlled for a long period of time. Its heyday occurred between 1900 and the 1930s.

They gradually disappeared when they were outclassed by airplanes and after having suffered several major accidents. Since then they have basically been used recreationally. But now the company LTA Research

Pathfinder 1 will measure 122 meters long and 20 meters in diameter at its thickest. At first glance, it looks a lot like classic airships, forming a kind of cone. Inside are a series of patterns of carbon fiber tubes and titanium joints that give it structure and resistance, and 13 helium bladders that provide energy to fly.

The new prototype is in the shape of a cigar. At the forward end is a large metal bolt that connects to a mooring mast. Along the body there are a series of electric propellers to control the direction. The gondola below has room for a couple of pilots and a few passengers.

Today, the airship business barely exists. There are models that are used for advertising purposes and others that take photos. In addition, there are also those for tourist use, such as hot air balloons that cross the skies of territories such as Cappadocia, in Turkey. However, LTA wants to put its models to more productive uses: they trust that they could be used to transport up to 200 tons of cargo in an environmentally friendly way and bring supplies to disaster areas. Also, one day, luxury versions of these artifacts could appeal to those who want leisurely and exotic travel.

LTA was founded in 2016 by Google co-founder Sergey Brin. It is estimated that the company has already invested more than 250 million dollars in the development of new models of airships. “I am fascinated and excited about the potential of airships, which can be built very quickly and with affordable materials,” said the company’s CEO, Alan Weston, in an article in Bloomberg.

The advantages of airship travel are apparent from the moment you leave the ground. Unlike an airplane, where you are pushed against the seat, or a helicopter; the initial ascent is slow and smooth. Once at altitude, the craft floats smoothly and effortlessly.

The Pathfinder 1 will be presented in California and then undergo a long series of tests before being able to take to the skies. This model should be capable of traveling at least 2,000 nautical miles without refueling at a speed of 60 knots per hour (111 km/h).

According to Weston himself, in the near future, LTA airships will be able to carry up to 200 tons of cargo each – almost 10 times more than a Boeing 737.

Airships were the transport of the future, until the well-known Hindenburg disaster in 1937. Even today there is speculation about how and why that ship exploded. The reality is that she was filled with combustible hydrogen and coated in flammable chemicals. It could also be vulnerable to static electricity or lightning. Be that as it may, it ended the fashion for airships. However, now Sergey Brin is working to win her back.