Although in Spain the instant messaging application that reigns over all the others is WhatsApp, Telegram can turn out to be a very interesting alternative or complement. Launched for the first time for free at the end of 2013, Telegram’s functions go further, since it is also used for the different forms of communication it offers, for buying and selling, downloading files and to make use of some of its useful tools. For example, to create bots. However, what about security?
As always happens on the Internet, the privacy and protection of devices can be compromised to some extent if careful and responsible browsing is not carried out. In any case, it will be of great help to take into account a series of tips with which to increase the security of a Telegram account.
Telegram’s basic security is better than that of other instant messaging applications, such as WhatsApp. However, it can always be improved. To do this, all you have to do is make these settings.