
Rough House Theater in Chicago is known for creating immersive haunted houses that cater to horror enthusiasts. Their latest production, House of the Exquisite Corpse IV, is currently playing at Steppenwolf’s Garage space. Project director Claire Saxe emphasizes the ensemble-based nature of their work, which features a team of puppeteers, technicians, scenic, lighting, and sound designers. The haunted house consists of six themed rooms that bring superstitions to life in a creepy and captivating way.

This year, the theme of the haunted house revolves around superstitions, with puppeteers and puppetmakers showcasing some of the creepiest superstitions through their art. From classic children’s rhymes to omens like a white bird in the house, the themed rooms evoke waves of dread in audiences. Unlike traditional haunted houses that rely on jump scares, House of the Exquisite Corpse IV aims to unsettle viewers on a deeper level. The puppets in the show embody existential fears, such as a giant spider sewing mouths shut or the self-judgment that mirrors can induce.

The production blurs the line between horror and introspection, prompting viewers to confront their own humanity through the lens of puppetry. By depicting unsettling scenarios through puppets, the show invites audiences to reflect on their deepest fears and anxieties. The psychological impact of the production is akin to taking a shot of Malört, a bitter liquor known for its intense flavor. Just as Malört leaves a lasting impression, House of the Exquisite Corpse IV aims to linger in the minds of its viewers long after they leave the haunted house.

In addition to exploring superstitions and existential dread, the production offers a unique theatrical experience that challenges traditional notions of horror. By immersing audiences in a world of eerie puppets and unsettling scenarios, Rough House Theater invites viewers to confront their fears and anxieties in a safe yet chilling environment. Whether you recoil in horror or find yourself captivated by the puppetry on display, House of the Exquisite Corpse IV promises a psychological journey through the darker corners of the human psyche.