
Igor Severino, the Brazilian mixed martial artist who was suspended for nine months by the Nevada State Athletic Commission after biting his opponent during a UFC fight in March. Severino’s UFC debut was cut short when he bit into Andre Lima’s arm, leading to his disqualification in the second round of the fight. UFC president Dana White confirmed Severino’s release from the league following the incident, emphasizing that there are other ways to express frustration in a fight without resorting to biting.

MMAJunkie reported that Severino received a nine-month suspension and a $2,000 fine from the NSAC. The suspension is retroactive, meaning Severino will be out of the octagon until December 23. Severino claimed in an interview after the fight that he did not remember the biting incident, stating that he felt like he was on autopilot after being hit hard by something, possibly an elbow.

Severino expressed a plea to return to the UFC, asking for a chance to redeem himself and show his true character. However, it remains uncertain whether White will reconsider Severino’s status in the league after his suspension concludes. Severino’s actions have raised concerns about his future in the sport and the impact of his behavior on his career.

The incident involving Severino biting his opponent has sparked discussions about sportsmanship and conduct in professional fighting. Biting is considered a serious violation of the rules in MMA and can result in severe penalties, as seen in Severino’s case. Athletes are expected to uphold a certain level of integrity and respect for their opponents, regardless of the intensity of the competition.

Severino’s suspension serves as a reminder to all fighters about the consequences of unsportsmanlike behavior in the octagon. It highlights the importance of maintaining composure and professionalism, even in the heat of the moment during a fight. The incident involving Severino and Lima has brought attention to the need for stricter enforcement of rules and regulations to ensure the safety and integrity of the sport.

As Severino serves his suspension and reflects on his actions, the MMA community will be watching closely to see if he can make amends and return to the octagon with a renewed sense of responsibility and sportsmanship. Only time will tell if Severino can overcome this setback and prove himself as a worthy competitor in the UFC.