
The first time I met Tali Halpern, they shared their big dreams for their art with me. This encounter occurred during a studio visit at SAIC in January of 2023, as Halpern was embarking on their second semester of grad school in the painting and drawing program.

Over the years, I had witnessed the evolution of Halpern’s practice through Instagram, from hand-painted streetwear to intimate collage paintings exploring themes of transness, selfhood, love, and lust. In grad school, their paintings had grown in scale, appearing on five-foot canvases that resembled story quilts in oil. By the summer of 2023, Halpern had transitioned to creating oversized textiles that reflected their grand ambitions.

In Halpern’s work, the line between art and artist blurs. Each piece is deeply textual, self-referential, and confessional, serving as a creative outlet and personal diary. Their latest exhibition, “★e Eyed,” showcases six large textiles at Twelve Ten gallery, featuring collaged images of Halpern alongside found text and patterns created using a digital loom.

To create these weavings, Halpern utilizes their body to control the loom, transforming pixels into thread. The final pieces are adorned with beads and stones, adding a human touch to the machine-made tapestries. Halpern’s work embodies a cyborg-like artistry, bridging the gap between human and machine.

Halpern’s journey to this point has been marked by personal struggles, including battles with addiction. Drugs influenced their earlier work, characterized by psychedelic patterns and trippy color schemes. However, a pivotal moment came when Halpern decided to pursue recovery after grappling with substance abuse and compulsive behaviors.

In their pursuit of sobriety, Halpern found support in 12-step programs and a sober partner, Dani Miller. With a newfound focus on artmaking and self-care, Halpern’s work began to reflect themes of self-love, hope, and healing. Their art serves as a testament to their journey towards recovery and self-acceptance.

Despite the challenges they face, including physical limitations and financial constraints, Halpern remains committed to their artistry. Their dedication to staying sober and pursuing their dreams shines through in their work, reflecting a newfound sense of purpose and resilience.

As Halpern continues to evolve as an artist, their story serves as a powerful reminder of the transformative power of art and the human spirit. Their journey from addiction to recovery is a testament to the healing potential of creativity and self-expression.