
Rafael Toral is a musician who has evolved his sound over the years, incorporating various influences and experimental techniques. Initially focusing on guitar-based music in the 1990s, he drew inspiration from American minimalists and rock bands like My Bloody Valentine and Sonic Youth. However, in the following decade, Toral shifted towards a jazz-informed improvisational style known as the Space Program, utilizing homemade electronics and free-jazz rhythms.

His latest album, Spectral Evolution, showcases his diverse range of skills and experiences, featuring a blend of jungle bird sounds, sci-fi effects, and jazz guitar. Toral plays all the instruments on the album, which took him years to conceptualize and record. With input from Jim O’Rourke, the album was released on Moikai, O’Rourke’s label.

For live performances of Spectral Evolution, Toral remixes the tracks to be played through a surround sound system while he plays electric guitar. This fusion of electronic acousmatic music and instrumental performance creates a unique concert experience. Local guitarist Daniel Wyche will be opening for Toral at the upcoming show at Elastic Arts on October 22nd.

Toral’s innovative approach to music and his willingness to push boundaries make him a standout figure in the experimental music scene. His ability to blend genres and techniques demonstrates a deep understanding of sound and composition. By attending his upcoming show, audiences can witness firsthand the creative vision of a truly unique musician.

In addition to Rafael Toral’s performance, Elastic Arts continues to host a variety of concerts and events that push the boundaries of traditional music. From avant-garde jazz to electronic experimentation, Elastic Arts provides a platform for artists to showcase their innovative work. For music enthusiasts looking to expand their musical horizons, Elastic Arts is a venue worth exploring.