
Never Better is a musical production that delves into the difficult topic of terminal illness and grief. The story revolves around college girl Davy, played by Emma Samuelson, who is struggling with the loss of her mother and a potential leukemia diagnosis. The show explores how Davy copes with these challenges by avoiding and denying the reality of her situation.

Directed by Landree Fleming, the production allows the talented ensemble to showcase a wide range of emotions, from denial to love, faithfulness, and existential angst. The musical score adds a unique element to the storytelling, providing a platform for the characters to express their innermost feelings through song.

The scenic design by Eleanor Kahn and lighting by David Goodman-Edberg create a contemporary and clever backdrop for the narrative. The musicians in the production serve as embodiments of the outside world intruding on Davy’s denial, representing concerned parents, annoying teachers, and demanding bill collectors.

Emma Samuelson’s portrayal of Davy captures the poignant struggle of a young adult trying to navigate life while battling illness. Shawn Smith’s character, Carter, serves as Davy’s supportive boyfriend, trying to break through her avoidance. Melody Murray’s role as roommate April adds depth to the story as she grapples with her own trauma and strives to make a difference in the world.

While Never Better is rooted in the experiences of the current generation, it offers a universal message about enduring sorrow with the support of loved ones. The show reminds audiences that everyone faces challenges that may seem insurmountable, but finding solace in the company of trusted individuals can make the journey more bearable.

Overall, Never Better blends pop-rock music with a heartfelt narrative to create a moving and humorous exploration of life’s difficult moments. The production serves as a poignant reminder of the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity.