The 26-year-old international master Donald Byrne, one of the most respected chess players in the United States, faces the young Bobby Fischer, just 13 years old, in what becomes one of the most famous chess games of all time , ‘the immortal’, as many chess specialists around the world usually call her.

In the game, Fischer, playing with black, baffles Byrne with a brave queen sacrifice, which he accepts without knowing what is coming. From there – move number 17 – Fischer begins to recover the position of the board, taking over numerous pieces until finally causing a checkmate.

against his opponent:

1.Cf3 Cf6 2.c4 g6 3.Cc3 Ag7 4.d4 0–0 5.Af4 d5 6.Db3 dxc4 7.Dxc4 c6 8.e4 Cbd7 9.Td1 Cb6 10.Dc5 Ag4 11.Ag5 Ca4 12.Da3 Cxc3 13.bxc3 Cxe4 14.Axe7 Db6 15.Ac4 Cxc3 16.Ac5 Tfe8 17.Rf1 Ae6 18.Axb6 Axc4 19.Rg1 Ce2 20.Rf1 Cxd4 21.Rg1 Ce2 22.Rf1 Cc3 23.Rg1 axb6 24.Db4 Ta4 25.Dxb6 Cxd1 26.h3 Txa2 27.Rh2 Cxf2 28.Te1 Txe1 29.Dd8 Af8 30.Cxe1 Ad5 31.Cf3 Ce4 32.Db8 b5 33.h4 h5 34.Ce5 Rg7 35.Rg1 Ac5 36.Rf1 Cg3 37.Re1 Ab4 38.Rd1 Ab3 39.Rc1 Ce2 40.Rb1 Cc3 41.Rc1 Tc2 0–1