The organizers of the Beijing half marathon announced an investigation this Monday after images went viral showing how three African runners appear to let the Chinese He Jie win at the finish line.

As the images show, the three runners apparently slow down as they approach the end of the race, held on Sunday, allowing China’s He Jie to overtake them to take victory.

He won ahead of the Ethiopian Dejene Hailu Bikila and the Kenyans Robert Keter and Willy Mnangat.

Mnangat admitted today to the Hong Kong newspaper South China Morning Post that he let He, a gold medalist at the Asian Games, win because he is his “friend.”

Shortly before reaching the end of the race, Mnangat looks at He and points to the finish line, also gesturing with his hand for his Chinese opponent to take the lead.

Once He passes the three runners, they make no effort to regain the lead.

The organizer of the event, the Beijing Center for International Exchange and Management of Sports Competitions, announced this Monday an investigation to clarify the facts.

Local newspaper Global Times noted today that He’s performance has sparked a lot of “skepticism” as the three African runners “deliberately slow down” so He can catch up with them.