An anticyclonic situation is expected to continue in most of the Peninsula and the Balearic Islands, which will result in a general increase in temperatures and little precipitation, although it will rain lightly in the southern half of Andalusia, according to the Agency’s forecast. State of Meteorology (Aemet).

In the southern third of the peninsula, intervals of medium and high clouds are expected. In the rest, slightly cloudy skies are expected to predominate, except for some cloudy intervals at the beginning in the northwest of the peninsula. In the Canary Islands it will be cloudy in the northwest of the archipelago, with intervals of clouds in the rest.

The agency also foresees morning mists and fog banks in the north of Galicia, the Catalan coast, the north of Murcia and the south of Mallorca, as well as in the east of Castilla La Mancha and the Cantabrian coast of León.

The highlight of this Wednesday will be the increase in temperatures, which will continue to rise in the coming days and especially ahead of the weekend, which is expected to be “warm.”

For today temperatures will rise except in areas of Andalusia and the Mediterranean area, where they will remain unchanged. 23 degrees are expected in Bilbao, 22 in Badajoz and 20 in San Sebastián, although in many other provinces the maximum temperature will exceed 20.

Although the values ​​will rise significantly in the central hours of the day, frosts are expected in the Cantabrian mountain range, in areas of the Northern plateau, the Iberian system and in the Pyrenees, here locally moderate, Aemet highlights in its forecast.

Looking ahead to Thursday and Friday, minimum temperatures will rise and maximum temperatures will remain above 20 degrees in the Cantabrian Sea, the Mediterranean area and the south of the peninsula, and even cities such as Alicante, Valencia or Murcia could reach 24 degrees.

A “temperate weekend” is expected, with more than 18 degrees in the central hours in almost all of Spain and more than 25 degrees in the east and south of the peninsula and even in Murcia it could rise to 28 degrees. A warm environment for the time of year, with values ​​between 5 and 10 degrees above normal.