Storm Nelson keeps Spain in suspense in the final stretch of Holy Week, since the State Meteorological Agency (Aemet) has announced significant rainfall for Friday, March 29 and Saturday, March 30. According to a statement from the Aemet, this adverse meteorological situation will cover practically the entire national territory.

Holy Week, usually a time of great tourist and recreational activity, is suffering complications due to these weather conditions. Given the constant rains that affect a large part of Spain, Aemet is deploying all its means to monitor the situation and prevent possible emergencies.

The Aemet has warned of the importance of not going out without an umbrella this Good Friday due to the large volume of rainfall. In this sense, the greatest amounts of water are expected to be recorded on Friday in a strip that extends from Navarra and Huesca to western Andalusia, with persistent rains accompanied by storms, especially in the Pyrenees, where they could be locally strong. . For Saturday, the greatest amounts of rain are expected to be concentrated in western Andalusia.

Despite the inconveniences that these rains may pose for vacation plans and processions, they represent a relief from the drought that regions such as Catalonia and Andalusia have suffered.

The wind will also play an important role during the weekend, with predominant winds from the south and southwest, although they will lose some intensity compared to previous days. However, very strong gusts are still expected in the mountain systems and in the southeastern half of the peninsula on Friday, and they are not ruled out for Saturday.

Finally, Aemet has also warned about the situation in the Canary Islands, where the continuity of Atlantic fronts is expected with rainfall that could occasionally be heavy in the western islands during the early hours of Friday. Rainfall will be generally light for the rest of Friday and Saturday.

On Sunday the situation of instability will continue, and widespread rainfall is expected in the Peninsula and the Balearic Islands, especially in the southern half of the peninsula, areas of the Central system and the Pyrenees, and western Galicia.