After a Thursday that is expected to be a transition, the arrival of an Atlantic storm will cause an increase in instability, with rains and showers widely distributed over the weekend, according to the forecast of the State Meteorological Agency (Aemet).

For today, cloudy or overcast skies are expected in the northern half of the peninsula, extending throughout the day to a good part of the rest of the Peninsula and the Balearic Islands. They will only be free of this cloudiness in the extreme south and southwest of the peninsula, the agency continues.

In addition, weak rainfall is expected in the north of Galicia and the Cantabrian slope, tending to spread throughout the day to the rest of Galicia, the upper Ebro, the Iberian system, the Pyrenees and northern Catalonia and the northern plateau.

Regarding temperatures, maximum temperatures will tend to increase in Alborán, southeast of the peninsular, Pyrenees and northern Balearics. However, they will descend as a general in the rest, but most notably in the northwest. In Lugo, Burgos, Pamplona or Palencia will not exceed 15 degrees.

The minimum temperatures will increase across the board, although there will be weak frosts in the Pyrenees, northern Iberia and Cantabria, the agency continues in its forecast.

The instability will begin on Friday, with rains and showers spread over large areas of the territory, less abundant in the Mediterranean, and with temperatures that will continue to be cool for the time of year.

A weekend is expected with almost generalized showers, with greater accumulations on Saturday in the west of Galicia and the Pyrenees, the east of the Basque Country, Navarra, La Rioja and in the east of Aragon and Catalonia, where they could be accompanied by a storm. , advances Aemet spokesperson, Rubén del Campo.