The weather is doing its thing again. After a week marked by rain in much of the Peninsula, the Spanish face a weekend in which we could reach 30ºC.

The general rise in temperatures will not be the only protagonist, since this Friday a haze will arrive in Spain ready to spread throughout the country. We tell you the details below.

Spain will not be the only victim of the haze, which could reach other European countries such as the Scandinavian peninsula. As for the most characteristic phenomenon of the haze, it is mud rain or blood rain, which will affect some areas of the country.

The culprit for the arrival of the haze is the storm Olivia. As indicated by “as it moves northeast towards the United Kingdom, it will favor a southerly wind over the peninsula. In this way, the suspended dust will arrive directly from the Sahara.”

The haze will enter the south of the peninsula on Friday, leaving a low concentration of particles that will be especially noticeable in Andalusia. Between Saturday and Sunday, it will move, leaving orange skies in almost the entire peninsular territory.

Likewise, on Saturday a front will enter Galicia, leaving rainfall in the western half of the peninsula. Due to both phenomena, the expected rains on Sunday could be accompanied by mud. This special rain could occur in Andalusia, Extremadura, both Castiles, in the Cantabrian regions, in the Community of Madrid, La Rioja and even in Navarra and Aragon.