it wasn’t exactly the same as the beer we’re used to today. But it was a drink made from fermented cereals, so technically it can be called “beer”. In Egypt, what is probably the oldest place in the world where beer was brewed was discovered. It is located in Abydos and, according to archaeological evidence, dates back to 3, 100 BC, that is, to the beginning of the dynastic era of Ancient Egypt.

shadow carousel The brewery of Abydos discovered in Egypt in The beer of Abydos discovered in Egypt in The beer of Abydos discovered in Egypt in The beer of Abydos discovered in Egypt in The beer of Abydos discovered in Egypt

The age of king Narmer

The discovery was made by a team of researchers from the egyptians, and americans, about 450 kilometers south of Cairo, on the site of an ancient necropolis on the right bank of the Nile. According to the first analyses, the finds (a series of terracotta containers for the fermentation of cereals, probably barley and spelt) could date back to the time of King Narmer, the mythical Pharaoh Menes reunifying the kingdoms of Upper and Lower Egypt into a single kingdom.

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Produced 22 thousand litres

this Is the eight major basins long about 20 metres wide and 2.50 m, each of which has a forty smaller containers arranged in two rows, that were used to heat a mixture of water and grains to produce beer. The production capacity was considerable: about 22,400 liters. The drink was used in the royal funeral rites of the nearby necropolis. At the beginning of the Twentieth Century a British archaeological mission had mentioned the existence of a facility for the production of beer, but until now it had never been possible to locate it accurately. Abydos was one of the holiest cities in Ancient Egypt, connected with the cult of the god Osiris.