The City Council of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria reinforces its strategy to end the overpopulation of pigeons. If a few weeks ago the installation of birdhouses in the street was announced, now small cages will be placed on the roofs of private homes to increase the effectiveness of controls on this animal, according to the newspaper Canarias 7.

These cages will be placed on the rooftops of the communities that request it. The idea of ​​the council is that you can go “rolling around the city”, to ensure that they are available to all residents. According to calculations by the Public Health and Animal Protection area, each of these cages can fit twenty pigeons, so that a maximum number of four hundred birds could be captured weekly.

It is not the action that the Las Palmas de Gran Canaria City Council has launched. Last March, a pilot project began that consists of installing birdhouses along the streets of the city.

These types of aviaries are one-way cages, allowing pigeons to enter but not leave. Once inside, the birds have continuous access to water and food, thus ensuring their well-being while they are checked daily.

This system, designed to prevent the suffering of birds, is being installed in urban areas and strategic points of the city, such as squares and parks, defends the council. The first infrastructure was placed on Concepción Arenal Street. It is estimated that they can put in between eight and ten.

In addition, they remember, in accordance with the Municipal Ordinance on the Protection and Ownership of Animals, that it is prohibited to feed those species that can become pests, including pigeons. Violating these regulations can result in fines of up to 150 euros.