Mickey Rodrigues was stabbed in the heart and the lung.

In an assault the other day, he was three times stabbed in the vital parts, and it sent the 23-year-old copenhagen in a dangerous condition, where he hovered between life and death.

He fought for his life at the Rigshospitalet in copenhagen, and he won. He was discharged 13. december.

Such as Mickey in addition, since he was in ‘the X Factor’ in 2013. Photo: DR

– I cry almost every other time. I almost lost life, but I was also hjemmerøvet, says Mickey Rodrigues, who was in ‘the X Factor’ in 2013, where he reached the bootcamp.

See also: Culture of Mickey: ADHD creates geniuses

At 8.04 10. december, he was found lifeless at his home in Østerbro.

How Mickey Rodrigues ended up with three jacks in his torso, he can’t remember.

He knows, he had invited two acquaintances into their homes. He had not met them face to face before, but had chatted a lot with them online, before they agreed to meet.

Mickey Rodrigues goes up its mærketøj, as he even got stolen a part of, in connection with the attack. Private

– I believe in the best in people. I had not tried to be stabbed before, so I could not imagine that it could happen.

– So we partying, socializing and drinking. But then I don’t know what happened. I have a total blackout and can’t remember anything. It is as a kind of defense mechanism, telling Mickey Rodrigues.

The last thing he remembers from the Monday evening, is, that he, together with the two acquaintances doing a live video on Facebook.

Mickey Rodrigues don’t know how many stitches he has scored in total. Private

After it is all black. The next thing he remembers is that he wakes up on the traumecentret:

– I’m confused, I don’t know what happens.

Although Mickey Rodrigues only recall fragments from the night, is he sure that he was mugged. The perpetrators have apparently also robbed him, for there was one missing part mærketøj and an Xbox from his address.

Police met strong in numbers up at the address on the Gate, when the notification came.

See also: X Factor-Mickey stole the song

Mickey Rodrigues told already in the ‘X Factor’-the days that he is affected by severe adhd, and he was found at his home after the stabbing. He was badly wounded and could not give a coherent explanation, then, at one point considered the police also, could be a self-inflicted accident.

See also: Police are massively present: Man in critical condition after stabbings

– How should I have stabbed myself in the heart and lung. I can’t see in any way how it should be done. I woke up without my stuff, ” says Mickey Rodrigues, who is an orphan and the child of drug addicts.

Copenhagen Police says to ekstrabladet, that they are now investigating the case as a stabbing with one or more possible perpetrators.

the Face was also unscathed. Private