DR’s popular Ramasjang-nature must once again be in goal for the accusation from adults, who can’t see the fun in Onkel Rejes coarse-grained and closed down børnekomik.

Uncle Shrimp – played by Mads Geertsen – hitting for the time being in the programme ‘Onkel Rejes Heavyband’, where he gives it full throttle with all the classic rock clichés like djævletegn, buff, inverted cross and Jack Daniel’s whiskey.

And just the bottle of whisky in the children’s program has dropped an anonymous viewer so much for the chest, that he/she has submitted an official complaint to the press Council.

There is no lack of heavy metal symbols, when Uncle Prawn throws out in the hard music genre. Pr photo

It can be read on the board’s website, where it says:

‘Complaints has complained to the press Council over the broadcast ‘Onkel Rejes Heavyband’ brought on DR Ramasjang the 22. november 2019, as he believes that the press is infringed.’

‘The contested broadcast is sent on the Dr børnekanal Ramasjang and deals with the children’s tv character ‘Uncle Shrimp’, which among other things sees Lemmy from Heavy Metal band Motorhead for themselves.’

Uncle Shrimp and his colourful heavyband have just released their debut album. Photo: DR

‘It is apparent from the broadcast that Lemmy from Motorhead has a bottle of Jack Daniels whiskey in his hand, and to ‘Uncle Shrimp’ have taken over the bottle, asked if he is full, to which he responds: ‘No, but I wish I was’.’

‘Complaints in support of the complaint stated that it is inappropriate and unnecessary to show the alcohol content in children’s programmes, in particular when there is talk about hard liquor. Complaints have also argued that it is a siding, to a children’s program speaks positively about to be drunk’.’

the DR has previously explained that Uncle Shrimp-the universes are ‘kept in a comical grasslands, both visually and in content’, and the press Council has dismissed the complaint in relation to Onkel Rejes booze-comment.

Uncle Shrimp is in the past – in connection with the same product suite – has been accused of encouraging small children to worship Satan.

Uncle Shrimp is the guarantor of the politically incorrect børneløjer. Pr photo

the Reason was that the Uncle Shrimp in a program claims that, ‘all right heavyband are satanists’, in which he calls on his friend, Eyewear and child Crease, to also be satanists, since, according to him, will improve their opportunity to win the ‘Heavy-MGP’.

It was the former bishop of Lolland-Falsters Stift Steen Skovsgaard, to comment critically on the program to Kristeligt Dagblad.

The responsible DR-the editor, however, could not see the problem.

– We will evaluate on DR Ramasjang, to Onkel Rejes Heavyband is very far from to encourage children to satandyrkelse – on the contrary, we give the kids a good and entertaining story, and it seems we largely succeeded with the ‘Onkel Rejes Heavyband’, said Ramasjang-editor, Pelle Møller B. T.

It has not been possible for the Extra Leaf to get a comment to the case from the Mads Geertsen.

Onkel Rejes Heavyband have today released their debut album.

In celebration of the release, there is arranged a concert, which will take place on Sunday in Amager Bio. All 666 tickets were sold out in an hour.