At just 20 years old, Arnau Martínez (Premià de Dalt, 2003) is facing his third season as a player in the Girona first team after Francisco gave him his debut at just 17, still in his youth age, and he has already become in a fixed part of Míchel’s eleven, with more than 70 games played these last two years, since the arrival of the Madrid player on the bench. His quality, versatility and boldness have attracted the attention of several clubs, including Barça, although he is now only thinking of starting a new season in Montilivi.

What degree of confidence does it give to have closed the pre-season undefeated and having played against rivals of the caliber of Napoli or Lazio?

A lot! I don’t know if it’s good or bad not to have lost a game yet, but I think it’s much more positive than negative. The team has started very well, there is a good atmosphere, we are happy and the squad is excited and eager to start in a field as complicated as Anoeta. As always, we will go in search of the three points.

He already had minutes in these last preparatory matches after he later joined the group for the European under-21. How did he feel?

Very good, along the lines of the end of last season, which was very good. On a personal level, I’m happy to have been able to play in the European Championship this summer, even though I started the first few days of the holidays a bit messed up and with the thorn of having finished as runners-up.

For one reason or another, but he is one of those who has taken few holidays again…

[Laughs] A couple of weeks, but enough to recharge my batteries without completely losing my shape, because I haven’t been down that many days. The manager was counting on me for the stay in Manchester and that’s when I joined the pre-season.

He already knows most of his classmates because the blog is practically the same as last year. Does that make them stronger?

Certainly. Many of us have been together for a few years now and that makes things easier. Anyway, the new ones, despite being all from outside, have integrated very well and very quickly. We are a family and that helps.

And what are they similar to?

They are top level. These are signings made to overcome the bar we left last season, which is our goal. But we all know that that second year in Primera, once you go up, is often the most complicated.

At least this time, the coach, Míchel, is still on the bench…

Yes, and it’s lucky. His figure is very important. He is one of those coaches who take you a lot, but I am also clear that this is what makes us better every day.

From the outside, it feels like you have a special relationship. Publicly he often praises his potential, but at the same time he always asks for more…

We have a very high degree of trust and I have always liked the fact that you are challenged. I’m doing very well, not to relax. He knows me and knows when to collar me.

Regarding the new signings, do you think they will be able to replace such important pieces as Taty Castellanos, Riquelme or Romeu?

Those who have left were key players and this is proven by the fact that they are all in top European clubs. We will surely miss them, both on and off the field, but the new ones are of a similar profile and I think the club has done a good job of replacing them.

The only one who still does not have a substitute is Oriol Romeu. What does his departure to Barça imply?

It is a very important loss, the rudder of the team in the middle of the field. A player who infected you. For me he has been an example, because of his work, because of how he takes care of himself… He will fit into Barça perfectly and I think he is the best replacement they could have found in Busquets.

But it is curious because in all the attempts to leave the club this summer, his name appeared first. Was he really about to leave?

No. During the season I was focused on football and I didn’t want to know anything about it until now, at the end. And whether it is because the proposals that have arrived have not satisfied the club or for whatever reason, I have never had the feeling of having to leave. I am very well in Girona and I have no need to leave here.

But there are teams like Barça who still have it on the agenda…

I am very young. I’m only 20 years old and football goes around a lot. I haven’t looked for a way out because I’m happy here. I only think about Girona and I’m sure that the rest of my teammates think the same. We trust that there will be no last-minute surprises and that, if more reinforcements are needed, they will eventually arrive.

And after fulfilling the dream of playing with Girona in Primera, as he stated on the day of his renewal until 2025, what is the next challenge that is set?

The same as the team, keep making history. The first objective, permanence, which would already be historic because we have never chained together three seasons in a row in Primera. And if possible, improve last year’s classification, without losing sight of the option of entering Europe.