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the Landin brothers Niklas and Magnus got bragging rights over several of their compatriots, as Kiel on Thursday evening won the “Nordderby” against Flensburg-Handewitt in the German Bundesliga.

After a strong second half by Niklas Landin won Kiel with 28-24. Quite symptomatic for the great goalie performance was the battle’s last action, a fodparade from his side.

the younger Brother Magnus Landin contributed with four scores in the victory. On the losing team was Simon Hald, Lasse Svan and Anders Zachariassen in action.

The German håndboldderby has traditionally also been a topopgør and therefore potentially also determine who ends up winning the Bundesliga, unlike the Danish league has no playoffs.

The past two seasons Flensburg-Handewitt won the championship, but now has already thrown points twice in the season’s first five games.

At the break smelled it, as also of a safe Kiel victory, as the home team was ahead by 18-13 after the first 30 minutes.

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Lasse Svan and Flensburg lost to Kiel. Photo: AP Martin Meissner

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The only minus for the home team in the first half was that Niklas Landin had not been properly addressed in the goal and was benched.

After the break, and began a regular Kiel-downturn. In the course of a little over six minutes were edge obtained, so the post was 18-18, before the Kiel broke the team’s deadlock on the measured breeding.

In the target was Landin taken into favour and get on the field again with substantially greater success than earlier in the fight. Suddenly peeled he the glory of Flensburgs terminations, and Kiel was again built up a more comfortable lead and drove the two points in the house.

I did not feel I had to prove something. Of course I am happy that I came in and contributed something. It is never fun to sit on the bench, but if I have to sit out there, and we win by ten goals, then it’s okay, says Niklas Landin to TV3 Sport.

With the victory, Kiel is also the answer well back on last week’s narrow defeat to the league leaders Magdeburg.

Kiel has now won three out of four matches in the Bundesliga and is the number five. Flensburg have played a match more and has one more point in fourth place.

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