To talk to Junts or not to talk to Junts, this is the daisy that the PP is trying to defoliate as the only option to have some chance of controlling the Congress Table and achieve an inauguration of Alberto Núñez Feijóo, even if it was with an abstention from the party of Carles Puigdemont.

Although in the PP there are discrepancies on this issue -its general coordinator, Elías Bendodo, yesterday reopened the door to speak with the independentistas after his general secretary, Cuca Gamarra, rejected that possibility last week-, in Vox, the main and necessary allies of the popular to reach Moncloa, the position is firm and was expressed this Friday by its general secretary, Ignacio Garriga.

“Vox will never be in an equation where the separatists are; Vox and the separatists are antagonistic,” the ultranationalist leader has sentenced in the mornings of RNE. “We by statutes are radically prohibited from engaging in any type of conversation and signing any pact with separatism,” added Garriga, who recalled that his formation was born precisely to “safeguard national unity at a time when the PP and PSOE were surrendering to separatism”. “Vox was born to confront nationalism like no formation had ever done before,” insisted the general secretary of Vox.

Asked specifically if the PP can reach an agreement with Junts and Vox at the same time, Garriga has been clear: “Radically not.” “The big question is that you have to talk to the separatists, with Junts with Puigdemont,” said the leader of Vox in Catalonia. In his opinion, in fact, the only thing that needs to be discussed is that “they tell us the day and time that Puigdemont will come so that the state security forces and bodies can arrest him.”

“How can we validate some people that the only thing they have done is loot the state coffers and jeopardize the foundations of the Constitution?”, he asked himself while charging against what he described as “outdated bipartisanship “for seeing the separatists as valid interlocutors.

Garriga has also referred to the decision of the former parliamentary spokesperson for his party Iván Espinosa de los Monteros to resign from the act of deputy and the executive of the formation.

The Vox leader, after assuring that he was already aware of the decision and showing his gratitude, “affection and admiration” for his “friend”, has denounced a “manipulation campaign” perfectly orchestrated by the media” to “harm Vox” in one more “attempt to bury” the formation.

Garriga has insisted that Espinosa de los Monteros has not abandoned Vox, as some newspaper has published, and that he continues to be a “crucial asset”, and has reiterated that, as he said at a press conference, the former spokesman resigned for “family and personal reasons “. “They manipulate his words” and create “absolutely false terror fabrications”, Garriga has asserted, alluding to the installed idea that “Vox’s hard wing forced him out”.

Thus, the Catalan deputy has denied that his party is in crisis to the point of assuring that “Vox is in one of its best moments” and showing his conviction that “we are going to see Santiago Abascal in Moncloa”.