Vox will not experiment in this European Parliament election campaign and will focus on the issues that have worked best for it so far. The formation led by Santiago Abascal obtained three MEPs in the 2019 elections and has good prospects for the meeting on June 9, since all polls indicate that it could double its result, in line with the general rise that it is predicted for the far-right formations in the whole of the European Union.

Vox’s electoral program consists of ten proposals. They are, for the most part, the iconic measures of the party, but transferred to the European scene, including the repeal of the European Green Deal, shielding the borders to prevent illegal immigration, cheaper energy and promoting a common agricultural policy ( PAC) “with less ideology”.

Vox considers that the agreement between socialists and popular “has been disastrous” for the countryside, industry, employment and Spain’s energy and food sovereignty”, and announces that it will fight the Green Pact and Agenda 2030, which sees it as a “massive layoff plan” for Spanish workers. They also advocate shielding the borders of the European Union, through agreements with transit countries to control illegal immigration and accept the return of deportees. In addition, they undertake to promote “cheaper and safer” energy for families and industries and defend research and the use of resources to depend less on the outside. They also advocate protecting “the Spanish national product against unfair foreign competition” and, regarding the PAC, advocate for it to have “more funds and less ideology”.

Another of the bets is to end the “imposed progressive policies” from Brussels throughout Europe: the “progressive agenda that attacks freedom, confronts families, floods Europe with multiculturalism and especially criminalizes” the world rural

Abascal will pour himself into the campaign, alongside the candidate, Jorge Buxadé. Both are starring today in an event in Gijón, in which there will be numbers two, three and four on the list: Hermann Tertsch, the former leader of Ciutadans Juan Carlos Girauta and Mireia Borrás.