New fight in Valencian Les Corts chaired by Vox. This formation announced this Tuesday that it will not support the proposal of its PP partners (majority group in Parliament) to hang the flag with the colors of the San Martín arch on the façade of the Palau dels Borja, “in a visible place and separated from the official flags.”

The Vox spokesperson in the Chamber, José María Llanos, has advanced that his party is “against the raising of any flag” and that there is “positive discrimination” towards any group. Llanos has assured that true equality is what the official flags represent.

The PP proposal was presented on Monday afternoon after the Les Corts Board, with the votes of popular and voxistas, rejected the Compromís proposal that asked to commemorate these dates with the flag, but also giving voice to the entities that They make up the Consell Valencia LGTBI and the Consell Consultiu Trans de la Comunitat. The coalition also demanded “an increase in the Les Corts library’s catalog of texts linked to political rights and history of the LGTBI community.” The initiative was rejected by the parliamentary majority that governs the Generalitat.

However, hours later the PP tried to redirect the situation with its own, less ambitious proposal. A text that its partners have made clear that they will not support and whose application is now up in the air, since Compromís has not clarified whether it will support it, while the socialists have made their opposition clear, considering that the PP “has decaffeinated” the demand. and the importance of LGTBI groups.

It has not been the only controversial issue in the corridors of the Valencian Chamber. After not addressing the press on Monday, José María Llanos responded this Tuesday to the controversial words of his party councillor, Elisa Nuñez, who limited herself to describing Franco simply as a historical figure in an interview in Las Provincias. Yesterday, in an interview on La 8, Nuñez already said that Franco was a dictator.

Llanos did not want to be so explicit and has replied that both terms are compatible. Franco was as much a “historical character” as “Stalin, Azaña, Carlos III and Julius Caesar.” Likewise, he has indicated “all dictatorships are rejectable” and “democracy is the only system” that his party defends. “With Franco there was no freedom of parties, the question is answered,” Llanos pointed out.