Viktor Greve Koch, as pantede bottles to raise money for his friend’s cancer treatment, has been a great gift for his efforts.

Friday received the 12-year-olds namely, a letter, a signed jersey of the footballer Daniel Agger and, not least, a fodboldrejse to England to see yndlingsfodboldholdet Liverpool at home.

the Reward was presented in the middle of junior high student of Viktor’s mother, father, bonusfar, football coach, school principal, reporters and even the mayor of Ballerup, denmark.

– I was wildly surprised when the mayor knocked on the door, tells Viktor Greve Koch to Ekstra Bladet.

But I could figure out that it probably was about me, as my family showed up in the middle of class, he laughs.

Author Koch, the mother of Viktor, is overwhelmed by the gift, her son has received.

– I am very touched and proud, and I think it is mega well deserved, she says.

See also: Millions collected for cancer patients Marcus

In the summer of 2019 was 13-year-old Marcus Madsen was diagnosed with a rare form of brain cancer. Since then, he has gone through 30 rounds of radiation therapy at copenhagen university hospital.

the Radiation has not had the desired effect.

Marcus is now taken to the UNITED states to receive treatment. But the family is not guaranteed that the treatment will work, and even if it does, it will not cure the Marcus – it will only prolong his life.

Therefore, total family money in order to ensure that Marcus will one day be able to get immunotherapy in the UNITED states. Immunotherapy is not offered in Denmark, because it involves great risks for the patient.

the Family would spend about four million dollars to the treatment and the costs of traveling across the Atlantic ocean. If Marcus of the one or the other reason do not get use for the money, they go entirely to the children’s cancer foundation.

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10. October started Marcus’ parents, Dorothy and Søren a fundraiser for their son in a group on Facebook. The group went viral and has, at the time of writing more than the 32,000 members from the whole of Denmark.

– It is so impressive, it here, said Marcus’ father Søren høj Madsen to Ekstra Bladet, when we visited the family in October.

Soren has always tried to live his life according to the proverb, that nothing is so bad that it isn’t good for anything.

– It has been really hard to see the light in our son’s illness. But then we started the collection, and it has really given our family hope.

Marcus was touched by the donations.

– Is there anything you want to say to all those who gather money, Marcus?

– I would like to say thank you. Thousand, thousand thanks, said he.

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In October could Ekstra Bladet reported how thousands of danes who came together to raise money for kræftsyge Marcus’ treatment in the UNITED states. The goal of four million were collected in a few weeks.

A large part of the money collected comes from the mortgage. An idea that emerged by the 12-year-old Viktor Greve Koch and his mother. In several weeks they have retrieved, collected, and the mortgage on their own and others ‘ bottles to raise money for Marcus.

the Collection has led to Marcus and his father Soren recently traveled to the UNITED states.

– It is good that Marcus has come off, says Viktor Greve Koch.

Miss him in the classroom?

– Yes. Reasonable much.

See also: Marcus has a tumor in the brain: – I avoid thinking about death

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In the several weeks was Viktor almost every day out in order to retrieve the mortgage with her mother or father at the addresses around on Zealand. Photo: Aleksander Klug

It was Viktor’s football coach Michael Andersen, who took the initiative to, that Viktor should be given a reward for his idea to gather the mortgage.

Viktor’s efforts have touched many people, says Michael Andersen of Ekstra Bladet.

– I would like to give him an experience for life. It was just wonderful that many others felt the same way, he says and informs that there have been around 100 people with the gift.

– When you grow up, so remember you are not the number one played in how many matches you won, or how many yellow cards we got. You remember the trips you have been on, or klubaftenerne, one were with to the.

See also: 12-year-old Viktor panther bottles in order to save his friend’s life

At a time, the family had to borrow a trailer to be able to get space for all the mortgage, which people donated. Photo: Aleksander Klug