The Valencia City Council plans to open the three municipal schools on Saturday mornings, during the Easter holidays and in the summer, free of charge, as announced by the mayor, María José Catalá.

The initiative will be launched from October in the three municipal schools: CEIP municipal Santiago Grisolía, CEIP municipal Fernando de los Ríos and municipal public school of Benimaclet, which educate approximately a thousand girls and boys in the city.

During his visit to the Benimaclet municipal school this Tuesday on the occasion of the start of the school year, Catalá made these announcements and explained that it will first take place in this neighborhood, in whose educational center a pergola with photovoltaic panels will be installed and will increase the investment to make Wi-Fi more powerful and to digitize it.

The opening of the municipal school on Saturdays aims to ensure that the Benimaclet neighborhood “can have greater educational and sports facilities.”

“We are going to pay attention to this initiative, we think it is a good way to provide neighborhoods with common areas and create an educational community, for the neighborhood to get involved in the school and for the school to also have that generosity with the neighborhood,” he said. added.

He has also stated that the City Council “is going to progressively incorporate free schools at Easter and in the summer with the Easter and Summer schools. It is a good way to start betting on the conciliation that is so costly for mothers and fathers with small children,” he stated and insisted that the City Council will assume the cost.

Catalá has highlighted that they work together with the Department of Education to carry out a joint call for all school aid, including the latest one on school supplies.

“We are going to make a joint call, a resolution before the course ends and also the payment much sooner so that the course does not end without having received that aid given by the city council as has happened to date,” he assured.

Asked about the possibility of the EMT buses becoming school transport as a contingency plan if students are left without a bus as has happened at the beginning of the school year in some schools in Valencia, she explained that they could only act as reinforcement for that parents take their children to school.

“We are receptive to any idea but converting passenger transport into school transport is not so simple because it has very specific security measures. Passenger transport is not so easily assimilated to school transport,” he explained.