The Police have on Tuesday arrested two men in the case of vandalism against a protected dune in Skagen, which has created a big stir among skagsboerne. The police said in a press release.

Both men are charged with gross vandalism and for violating the naturbeskyttelsesloven. Those arrested have subsequently been released.

– We have ever since we received the complaint, investigated intensely in the case, so I am satisfied that the investigation yesterday (Tuesday, ed.) gave the necessary support to take action and arrest the two suspects, says vicepolitiinspektør John Henriksen in the press release.

See also: witch-hunt on Skagen klitbølle

Previously the mayor of the Municipality of Frederikshavn, Birgit Hansen (P), told Ekstra Bladet, how the case has caused anger among skagsboerne. The famous Skagensmaleri of the two women, walking on the beach, is painted close to the damaged place.

– It is a case that puts the very big feelings going on at skagboerne. Precisely what place in the dunes have great local and cultural significance, it sounded earlier from the mayor.

See also: Excited mood in Skagen: Mayor warns

– When we have completed our investigation, so prepare we the matter to the legal assessment by the prosecutor, says vicepolitiinspektør John Henriksen.

out Of consideration for the ongoing investigation, the police have no further comments.