”A artonåring said that she had been attacked with a knife. She tells them that she has found it. That is our story.” This is the Pulitzerprisvinnande of the article is ”An unbelievable story ” of the rainbow”, which was published in the year 2018, The Marshall project, ProPublica, and that is the basis for the Netflix series ”Unbelievable”.

” Marie (played by Kaitlyn Dever from ”Booksmart”), after a long series of abuses and fosterhemsplaceringar at the end of back in your life. She has a steady job and live on a övergångsboende for young people in Washington, and when a man gets through the window and rapes her.

When she reports the crime, questioning of the police the story of her past, which will result in her that she will repent and take back the complaint. Later, the police will prosecute her for lying, and the taking of their resources in vain.

within a day or so exposed to the two types of assault, and the whole of the first chapter is a very in-depth explanation of all the medical exams and interviews, she is forced to endure.

The stripped-down tone, the detail, and the vardaglighet, which occurs in the midst of all the enormity of this situation is that it gives the series, ”Unbelievable”, the weight and credibility of the union. It has no redeeming features, and the lack of clues as to how the series is going to continue to create enough curiosity to have a closer look.

if Marie is parallel to that of the kriminalkommissarierna, Grace, and Karen, and their methods of work, in order to attach to her perpetrator. The concept is a good one, Marie and her development in this series is a journey which is all about rebuilding trust in the adult world, while the police work to create forward motion and tension on the resolution.

and Shall is Lisa Cholodenko, who previously made the delightful ”The kids are all right” and it will soon be up to date with the us version of the Maren Was ”Toni Erdmann”. The most detailed accounts of police work in itself is constantly interesting, from the advanced samkörningen of the registers of the on-line collection and analysis of DNA. The series also has a political dimension, since rape is still a low priority crime, and they are two of the poliskommissariernas involvement seems to be an exception.

Much of the focus is on the relationship between the police officers. Toni Collette (”Hereditary”) ”Little Miss Sunshine”, plays Grace, a little older, an experienced investigator, and Merritt Wever (”Welcome to Marwen”) and her slightly younger colleague of the Doctor.

it is in their power and indignation of the snow drifts, with the unsolved rape cases, as well as the lack of commitment on the part of their male colleagues. Grace is violent, and the ugly, in-the-mouth Doctor is, the christians, the idealist.

Unfortunately, the feel of these extremes can be designed and the interaction between them is far too prepared for that concern. It is, on the other hand, the most vulnerable of the vulnerable, the women, the faces stand out all the more. A testament to the women of all ages and from all backgrounds, whether they have fallen victim to the same masked man.

We were a long time in a common vocabulary in order to describe the furthermore, rape victims ‘ is often a very complex reaction patterns of abuse, just as there have been preconceived notions of how a person who has been a victim of a crime, it is expected to respond to it.

the question of her history, and she thinks that Marie’s reaction differs from the one given pattern is, for example, is based on her own experience of having been a victim of rape and sexual assault.

But it is only with such a broad range of flows and reactions, ranging from disbelief to a desire for revenge, install the ”Unbelievable” effectively, all those shows.
