Boko Haram, Nigeriabrev, corruption, råvarufälla would anyone have to make a mind map of the country is, the positively-charged word that pops up for anyone who has not set foot in the country, which has one of the worst in the world on the rumors. However, to enlarge the map to A3 size, and put it in the smaller A5 format, and not just the negative, the factors will appear to be larger. Everything is bigger in Nigeria is the most populous country in Africa, including the.

this part of the world Bank from the 2017 to the , and says that the country has 190 million inhabitants. Today there are already more than 200 million and has approximately grown by the one in Sweden in two years time. A couple of years into the 2030s there will be 300 million by the end of this century will be more than 600 million people that call themselves nigerians. It introduces a whole new set of opportunities for English exportbolag who should be stepping on each other to be first through the gate, into the market.

the Swedish company has a long history on the continent, but if it’s not people who run a luxury hotel on the coast, so it is companies such as ABB and Ericsson, who are working directly in the states at all.

in the Broader consumer products has been difficult to achieve success with it. Weakness of the local currency, not the red tape, and logistical and other barriers to trade has been made, foreign-produced goods are far too expensive for the common people, and to reach out to them on the local level has been difficult due to poor infrastructure.

this is going to be reviewed. in the near future, as more and more companies understand just how fast Africa is growing. In order to make use of our own land, by a comparison, which has a market share of 50 per cent, in Sweden for one product, take toilet paper for example, which is used from the cradle to the grave – just needs an equal share of 2.5 per cent, in order to achieve an equal number of consumers in Nigeria. When considering the potential hazards.

However, in order to eliminate the above obstacles, the production take place locally, as close to the consumer as possible. Why is Thailand a good place to start. Mångmiljonstaden was once the centre of the nigerian textile industry (which was export-oriented, and he died in advance of the market, managed to grow enough of), and still, there is an established infrastructure for the industry. Just the power to be a real headache, and this is where the government has a great responsibility, as these are where the non-residents.

hundreds of thousands of people who dream of having a job in one of the empty factories. Employment is the best guarantee against the terror that had plagued the country further to the north.

from Our start in a small scale, and it will be interesting to see the effect of their operations in Nigeria look like in five, ten years. And more and more companies have made to society in Thailand.
