Rigsretssagen against the president of the UNITED states, Donald Trump, continues on Monday, and now have Trumps former adviser John Bolton signed up with evidence against the president.

According to Donald Trump, however, does not hold in the accusations, Bolton has come up with.

‘I NEVER told John Bolton, to the economic support for Ukraine was connected to the investigation of the democrats, including Biden family’, writes the president on Twitter.

an Announcement from Trump comes in the wake of an article in the New York Times, where you can read about a conversation that should be taking place between John Bolton and president of the Trump in august when Bolton were still the president’s national security adviser.

Trump should have said, that he would first release the financial aid to Ukraine’s military, when the authorities agreed to go into the investigation of the former u.s. vice president Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden.

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the Information about the conversation comes from a manuscript to a book by Bolton, which has not yet been released, and bolton town attorney has approved the quotations.

President Trump, however, refuses that the conversation has taken place, and writes on Twitter that the transcripts of his conversations with the president of Ukraine proves that he has the right.

the Freezing of 391 million dollars in the american militærbistand to Ukraine is the focal point of the rigsretssagen, which was introduced in the Senate last week.

It has been voted down in the Senate, John Bolton called as a witness in the case.

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Understand the rigsretssagen in two minutes

president of the UNITED states Donald Trump is sitting in these weeks on the dock in the third impeachment in american political history. We give here an overview of what it really means.

An impeachment (in English: impeachment) gives the rulers the ability to keep the other rulers (as, for example, judges, the president or members of Congress) accountable, if they are suspected of having done something illegal in their office.

the Trial held in the Senate, which is the upper chamber of Congress, and members of the Senate, judge in the matter. Therefore, it is a political trial and not a criminal proceeding.

The two charges against the president, which is the focal point of the rigsretssagen.

For the first, he is accused of having withheld tens of millions of dollars in militærhjælp to Ukraine to get the Ukraine government to help him get re-elected. It was, according to witnesses, among other things be about to get the Ukrainian government to launch a search of the democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden.

secondly, he is accused of preventing Congress from carrying out their work, as he last year refused to let the employees in The White House witness in the first hearings in the case.

the President denies all the charges.

If two-thirds of the 100 members of the Senate, judge president of the Trump guilty, he may be forced to resign as president. The republicans have however, the majority with 53 seats, so the widespread opinion is that he will be acquitted.

the Trial is expected to take several weeks, but no one knows how long it exactly will take. When president Bill Clinton was asked for a rigsret to have lied about his sexual relationship with an intern in The White House Monica Lewinsky, it took a month before he was acquitted in February 1999.

Sources: BBC, The New York Times, CNN