The meteorologist and ERC candidate for the European Parliament, Tomàs Molina, stated yesterday that “in his first 100 days” he will work for TV3 to participate in the Eurovision Song Contest and even assured that he already has an agreement with the director of the Catalan television network. , Sigfrid Gras, to do it.

Esquerra began its electoral campaign for the next European elections in Badalona yesterday afternoon. Despite appearing in the Ahora Repúblicas coalition with EH Bildu, the BNG and Ara Més, the parties will carry out events under their initials. 

In an event in which the president of ERC, Oriol Junqueras, the acting president of the Generalitat, Pere Aragonès, the head of the list of Ahora Repúblicas, Diana Riba and the rest of the party’s candidates, also participated, Tomàs Molina explained that in his “project” for European politics, one of his first proposals will be for TV3 to participate in Eurovision. In fact, the meteorologist has already proposed a song for the festival: Coti x Coti, by The Tyets. 

After beginning his speech with the usual spot with which he began his broadcast on TV3 (“Molt bona nit…”), Molina also announced his “commitment” to “continue working” on the use of Catalan on audiovisual platforms as well as “work to make a more just world” and committed “to climate change.”

At the same rally, the head of the Ahora Repúblicas list, Diana Riba, accused “sociovergence” of buying “reactionary” speeches for overturning the Government’s decree to regulate rent. In this same sense, Junqueras assured that “without decent housing there is no equality of opportunity.”

ERC arrives at the European elections in an unfavorable scenario: after a debacle in the Catalan elections and an internal crisis. Thus, Riba assured that these new elections are an opportunity to “remount” the party and valued that “ERC never gives up.”

Despite the intentions of Tomás Molina, the European Parliament does not decide which television networks participate in Eurovision, since the festival is organized by the European Broadcasting Union, an international entity that brings together different public media and has no direct relationship with the EU policies.