The candidacy of Xavier Trias yesterday demanded a “restitution” of who was mayor between 2011 and 2015, after in the final part of his term he was a victim of the State sewers, who spread false information against him with which they associated him with corruption. This is a card that the formation had not played until now.

Councilor Jordi Martí, his campaign manager, recalled that Trias “was the object of an offensive that has no name” and assessed that this “is very unfair. “Doesn’t he deserve restitution? Doesn’t it deserve a recap? Doesn’t he deserve a prize and a victory?” asked the councilor. “I want to appeal to the heart and soul of the people”, said Martí, who referred to the “experience” and the “contrasted credentials” of his leader.

Afterwards, the ex-converging mayor picked up the glove and stated that they made a “tremendous move”. “It’s true, they played a huge trick on me, but they didn’t play it on me, they played it in Catalonia. It was an attempt to destroy Catalonia, but we can’t live off the confrontation”, he said while explaining how he wants to govern the city.

In his intervention, Trias advocated “seeking agreements” and warned that “pacts can only be made when you are clear about what you want to do in life”. “What we can’t do is pull our pants down… we’ll never pull them down!” he exclaimed.

In addition, he vindicated the pactist spirit of Convergència. “This city needs less confrontation, less being against this and that, against the car, against the motorbike… You can’t spend all day with the confrontation. Collaboration and understanding must be sought”, he asserted. “There are people who say to me: ‘Trias, Trias, this is what it means to be from Convergència’. Well, fuck you if this is Convergence. What do you want me to tell you”, he finished.

On the other hand, Neus Munté and Martí pointed out that if people vote for Jaume Collboni, they vote for Ada Colau to stay in the City Council, and warned that whoever has shared government with the mayor [Collboni] cannot be the alternative , because it is “responsible” for insecurity. Likewise, Trias emphasized that no one will “use” it to “go against the Generalitat, nor against Catalonia”.