With a lot of self-confidence and sovereignty were Julian Reitze and Stefan Zender in the Vox TV show “höhle der Löwen” in front of the investors. Their stated goal: to revolutionize the coffee market.

With the world’s first coffee capsule made of wood, which is made from 100 percent renewable raw materials, want to the two founders and a genuine Alternative to Aluminium and plastic, the coffee giant capsules in the world. Because: 60 billion capsules worldwide are thrown away directly after use, declared in the mid-twenties in the show.

For ten percent of the shares in the company to ‘Rezemo’ required Reitze, and Zender during the shipment of 500,000 euros. “Our capsule is something very Special and therefore we also assume that it will arrive”, proclaimed the two founders in the run-up to the Pitch convinced. Shopping-Deal with FOCUS Online

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To be convinced by the Offered

cave of the lion: ‘Rezemo’ four investors

Reitze and Zender were right: The Pitch hit the nerve of investors. Frank Thelen made the Start and offered the founders initially demanded 500,000 euros, however, for 20 percent of their Startups. Shortly thereafter, he was outbid, however, by Carsten Maschmeyer, Dagmar Wöhrl and Ralf Dümmel, which threw together an offer in the Ring. She said to the young founders of 750,000 euros will be demanded for 25 per cent of ‘Rezemo’.

“Ralf and I have already made more together successful Deals, for example, in the case of ‘smart sleep’ or ‘Periodontium’. This has always worked out well. Its network of retail and my sales experience together a good fit. And with Dagmar, I have made a very good co-Investments. You as a family entrepreneur with many Hotels is an Investment in coffee is an ideal partner in capsules“, explains Carsten Maschmeyer FOCUS Online to do the step of the three lions together.

the decision to pool Expertise, radioed to the founders. They went on the Deal of the lion-three team, but did not want to move away from their original rating. Maschmeyer, Wöhrl and Dümmel to adjusted and suggested to the founders the last business – and took them. A Million euros Reitze, and Zender got for 20 percent of their shares to ‘Rezemo’.The joy of investors and founders was visible in size.

‘Rezemo’: founders and investors are in Good

the Deal at the end was not yet, such as FOCUS Online and learned from founders and investors. Maschmeyer, Wöhrl and Dümmel from rose.

In the course of the discussions between the founders and the three lions would have emerged that there is in the question of the future strategic direction of ‘Rezemo’ different views, from the founder to FOCUS Online.

“It was good and very open discussions with all parties,” praise Reitze and Zander. In the course of the negotiations had come together to the decision that cooperation at the present time make no sense. On which points is the founder and investors, in Detail, were at odds, about the founder of silence first.

Also, Dagmar Wöhrl, stressed that it was gone for Good: “In ‘Rezemo’ has voted for the entire package – the founder and the product. Therefore, we were all immediately hooked. This has not changed, even if the Deal is not concluded.“

So it goes for ‘Rezemo’ after the bursting of the Deal now

However, as the business is running now without the support and the money for the two co-founders more? Finally, since the recording in the late spring, in the meantime, a couple of months.

The two stuttgarters, where the idea of ‘Rezemo’ came in your student apartment after a long stay abroad, are optimistic: “A good founder is never anything on a horse. It is, of course, normal. A start-up is certainly a hard way, because there are always setbacks but also successes. We have a clear strategy that we are pursuing and hope for a very positive effect through the Show. We are well-positioned,“ says the founder in an interview with FOCUS Online. Content check: The gross-to-net calculator 2019 remains So much net them by the gross

in the Meantime were able to win Reitze, and Zender, new Hotels and some of the companies offer only their coffee. In addition, the Team was greatly expanded and the capsule is again minimal been further developed.

‘Rezemo’ needs against coffee giants claim

in the long term, the two founders want to be seen as global expansion, “This is the dream of every founder. Our Vision is that we want to be with the capsule, THE sustainable Alternative to the coffee market.“ Currently, the DACH Region (Germany, Austria, Switzerland), was clearly in focus. In addition, they wanted to think the topic of ‘sustainable packaging’ to continue: “at some point we want to make other types of packaging in a sustainable way.”

Carsten Maschmeyer stressed to FOCUS Online that he regretted it very much that the Deal was. He had assisted the two founders in their path to rid the world of plastic waste. A major challenge for Rezemo’ is now on the market for coffee capsules against many of the traditional, large competitors. “You should definitely try, but after that, you need to set up even wider.”

The three lions want to remain with the founders in contact and support where it is possible for you, so Maschmeyer.

In the FOCUS Online/Wochit In the