Since 1992, the R+V insurance, the survey, in order. Especially the fear of terrorists and the US President, Donald Trump plagues of today, less people than a year ago. 30 years after the fall of the wall a difference was greater: In Eastern Germany, all the Fears are more widespread than in West Germany.

The lowest value since 1994,

Overall, fear more than half of the 2,400 surveyed German citizens from the age of 14, that the state is overwhelmed by the large number of refugees, and that there are more tensions between German and immigrant foreigners. The fear of the policy of Trump is similar to often called. The issue of rising Rent was first queried and landed in sixth place, with the climate change only in twelfth place.

The share of people with a variety of Fears decreased compared to 2018. In the average of all surveyed Fears 39 percent of the respondents felt affected. This is the lowest value since 1994. Three years ago, it was still 52 percent.

refugees, to Trump the fear drops

The survey, which ran in this year, in June and July, applies to scientists as an indicator of the sensitivities surrounding politics, the economy, the environment, family, health, and private Concerns – including the long-term effect. After the evaluation of experts from the past years, the two conditions ensure that fear creates: that the media report regularly and with emphasis on a theme. And that the policy is switched on in a large scale, so that one has little influence. Fears when social issues are more widespread, therefore, as in the case of private issues.

  • The state is overwhelmed by the large number of refugees: 55 per cent (previous year: 63 per cent)
  • The further influx of refugees leading to tensions: 56 percent (previous year: 63 per cent)
  • The policy of Trump makes the world more dangerous: 55 percent (previous year: 69 percent)

follow the fear of excessive demands on the politicians (47 percent), extremism (47 percent), unaffordable Rent (45 per cent) and a life as a Care (45 percent). Higher taxes because of the EU and rising prices are also just over 40 percent of the respondents a theme.

fear of terrorist attacks continues to fall

the great anxiety of the past few years is fallen: Terrorist attacks fear, only 44 percent of the respondents. Two years ago, there were still 71 percent – after the bloody attacks in the year 2016 in France and Germany.

The fear of climate change and more extreme weather events played in comparison to other Fears, only 41 percent of the people have a role. Still less fear, given a stable economic situation. Nearly one in four Germans (24 per cent) of the fear of losing his Job. So low, this value was since the beginning of the survey never. Before the crime, 23 percent of the people are afraid of, 5 percentage points less than a year ago.

The differences between West and East Germany show, especially at the change of the values of the past few years. The number of people with fear of terrorism Trumps policy and issues, by foreigners fell in the whole of Germany – however, in the West is significantly stronger than in the East. Several years after the choice of Trumps, after the major terrorist attacks and the many refugees, more people have lost in the West, its acute fear of these problems than in the East, where Fears persist appear to be longer.

As Gauland the drilling Lanz responds, it will be a short silence in the Studio, FOCUS Online/Wochit As Gauland the drilling Lanz responds, it will be a short silence in the Studio
