The Barcelona mayor’s office is the most prized square and also one of the most disputed on election day today in Catalonia. A day that passes without incident, with sunshine in a large part of the territory, and in which the main candidates have already deposited their votes and encouraged participation.

The mayoress of Barcelona and BComú candidate for re-election, Ada Colau, has encouraged citizens to vote this Sunday in an election that she sees as highly disputed: “More than ever, the vote is going to be decisive.”

Speaking to journalists after voting at 10:00 am at the La Sedeta Civic Center, he warned that Barcelona “was at stake whether to continue advancing or going backwards”, for which reason he encouraged them to continue advancing to decide the future of the city.

He has hoped that “there will be a good number of participation” and that abstention is not high, and he explained that he will spend the rest of electoral day with his family before going to Sala La Paloma this afternoon, from where he will continue the election night.

The PSC candidate for mayor of Barcelona, ​​Jaume Collboni, has called this Sunday for the massive participation of the people of Barcelona in the municipal elections to “open a new stage” in the city.

In statements to the press after voting around 9:30 am at the Escola Grèvol, in the Poblenou neighbourhood, he said that he hopes that Barcelona will give a lesson in civility and democracy to “make the will of the majority” a reality.

The ex-mayor and candidate for Barcelona mayor of Junts per Catalunya, Xavier Trias, has assured this Sunday, after voting in the Mercat de Galvany, that he is confident “in marking the destiny of Barcelona” and that “whatever happens tonight there will be what to celebrate”.

Trias voted around 10:30 in the Mercat de Galvany, in the neighborhood of Sant Gervasi, accompanied by JxCat councilor Jordi Martí.

“Today will be an extraordinary day for democracy. I hope and hope that many people will vote and that we mark the destiny of the city of Barcelona”, the former mayor assured after placing his vote in the ballot box.

The ERC candidate for mayor of Barcelona, ​​Ernest Maragall, asked the public this Sunday to “take the voice and vote” to decide the future of the Catalan capital.

After voting at the Escola Pia Balmes in Barcelona, ​​the Republican candidate has valued “the simple gesture of putting the ballot in the ballot box” and has ensured that, although he has already done it “many times” throughout his life, “each time he finds a new meaning in it.”

Thus, he has indicated that “the best expectation” that he can have today is that “everyone will vote” because, in his opinion, it is a day in which “Barcelona affirms itself”.

“What I say today to all citizens: go vote, exercise your status as a citizen, take the voice and the vote and decide what you want this city and this country to be”, Maragall has sentenced, who has expressed one last duty to the people of Barcelona: “We are here to serve all of you, do yourself a favour, go vote”.

The Valents candidate for mayor of Barcelona, ​​Eva Parera, has encouraged the people of Barcelona to vote this Sunday in the municipal elections to “turn the city around and also turn Catalonia around”.

In statements to journalists after voting at his electoral college, the Ministry of Education, said that this Sunday it will be decided whether the city “continues to be condemned to a Colau-Collboni government or to independentist governments” or whether a change begins.

The Ciutadans (CS) candidate for mayor of Barcelona, ​​Anna Grau, has encouraged this Sunday the participation in local elections to achieve the “longed for change” in the city council of the Catalan capital.

This was expressed in statements to the media after voting at the Barcelona City Council headquarters, accompanied by the president of CS in Parliament, Carlos Carrizosa, before acting as a proxy in different schools.

“The more votes there are, the more useful it will be for what it really has to serve, which is for the longed-for change in the Barcelona City Council,” Grau asserted.

The President of the Generalitat, Pere Aragonès, has made an appeal this Sunday to the citizens to “vote freely” in these municipal elections to “decide the future of their country and their people”.

This was stated after exercising his right to vote from the Joan Coromines Institute in Pineda de Mar (Barcelona), after 10:30 a.m.

“We call for the participation of all citizens in these municipal elections. Town halls are very important for people’s lives,” stressed Aragonès, who expects a “high turnout” in these elections.