Prime minister Mette Frederiksen (S) used the word ’trust’ no fewer than 34 times in his opening speech in the Danish Parliament.

– We have to trust each other, she said.

Frederiksen lied.

In reality consider she all of us for potential criminals, which will do the most frightful things, if not kept an eye on us.

Frederiksen is so in love with the monitoring, that one might think she had shares in a kamerafabrik.

In advance follow the 1.5 million cameras us around the clock. Our chat, sms and e-mails are being scanned, information about our whereabouts on the internet will be saved, we have border controls, and by the cities ‘ roads are our license plates scanned.

Denmark is one of the most monitored countries in Europe, and Wales will have even more.

As she explained in the Telegraph:

– We are going very far now with a massive expansion of the surveillance.

According to the prime minister, she has no choice. We need more Big Brother on the grounds of forbrydernes behavior.

Pretty strange, for the serious crime is decreasing in Denmark. In 1990, almost 26.000 danes sentenced to imprisonment. Last year the number was decreased by 40% to 15.500.

Frederiksen is introducing a surveillance society a la China – and we all know how fine it works.

Drawing: Morten Ingemann

Possibly trades Frederiksen’s urge to keep an eye on us other on a deep self-awareness. In any case, she didn’t want to, that we can keep an eye on her, and there may be good reasons for this.

When the Social democrats finally had a ruling party, the so-called ’offentlighedslov’ adopted. The name is utterly misleading. More precisely, ’mørklægningsloven’.

the Law makes it extremely difficult for the press to see the power in the cards. To disclose serious errors, corruption or abuse of power.

It makes Denmark less open, less democratic, less trusting – and not tampered with, have Frederiksen decided.

While the Parliament, other parties will want to change the law to a offentlighedslov, who lives up to his name, so to keep the Social democrats and the Left stuck on the blackout.

The two traditional governing parties stand together to prevent citizens in gaining insight into how power is managed.

This can – as mentioned – be good reasons.

Frederiksen has even gone a step further. She has created a political secretariat in the prime minister’s office, led by her chosen right hand, Martin Rossen.

As Ekstra Mads Kastrup wrote:

’Now build the social democrats even a hemmelighedskammer with unclear powers in the heart of the prime minister’s office, where Frederiksen’s special adviser, Martin Rossen, shall sit and reign over what they may get out and how.’

One of the Frederiksen, very original ideas, which may be induced in the government’s darkroom, is to take the Danish passport from the holy warriors with dual nationality who are imprisoned in Syria.

the Passport will be taken from the warriors purely administrative. Completely without disruptive interference from the courts.

international law has any state responsibility for nationals, and we expect also that other countries take against their rejected nationals.

But it looks the prime minister of Denmark on.

Frederiksen has reiterated his kernebudskab in the ads:

’What drives me as prime minister, is a desire to fit in Denmark. Should I do it, we need to take some things in use, as we previously have had neither the need or desire to.’

As a former minister for foreign affairs Per Stig Møller (K) has formulated it in Berlingske:

’The statements could easily be said of Erdogan, Putin, Xi Jinping and Orban. They will be completely agree.’

Congratulations with the good company, Mette Frederiksen.

She deserves a cod – but it makes the candidate in the morning, well enough also.

is the seventh commandment on who will be announced as the Ekstra Nytårstorsk 2019.

the game very Simon Emil Ammitzbøll-Bille, Anders from ’Married at first sight’, kulturudvalgsformand Lene Pigeon, MF for SF Karsten Hønge, DF leader Kristian Thulesen Dahl and letbanedirektør Michael Borre is already hauled on shore, and there are three more to look forward to. Ago follows a ballot in the newspaper, so you can participate in the decision of who is the biggest cod.

here at the see all of the nominees as they are presented, and the time will also be given the opportunity to vote here.

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the Year nytårstorsk: ötzi the iceman,

the Year nytårstorsk: Lose-Tulle

the Year nytårstorsk: Høngerøven

the Year nytårstorsk: Beer-benægteren

the Year nytårstorsk: Anders Linselus

the Year nytårstorsk: Gummimanden


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