Vox repeats its candidacy with Ignacio Garriga at the helm, after the good results in 2021 and the consolidation of the Catalan leader in the party structure in Spain. In Barcelona, there is a commitment to continuity with the incorporation as number 6 of Julia Calvet, former president of the S’ha Finish university association. In the provinces, the number one in Lleida is renewed, with Rafael Villafranca.
For Barcelona:
1 Ignacio Garriga
2 María García Fuster
3 Joan Garriga
4 Manuel Acosta
5 Monica Lora
6 Julia Calvet
7 Andrés Bello
8 Monica Soria
9 Marcos Rodríguez
10 Nuria Acacio
1 Alberto Tarradas
1 Sergio Macián
1 Rafael Villafranca