Section no. 30 thousand euros to a police officer for violation of his right to honor. The Provincial Court also orders the two local police officers who filed the lawsuit to pay the costs. In their brief, the plaintiffs claimed a total of 740,000 euros. An appeal may be filed against the ruling of the Provincial Court before the Supreme Court.

José Casado, whose defense has been carried out by the lawyer Juan Cremades, has celebrated that justice has been done, has asked the media to echo the outcome and has demanded that the Junts spokesperson in Mataró, Alfons Canela, retract his statement. the accusations leveled against VOX of inferring in the local police force.

Finally, the mayor regrets the self-serving instrumentalization that has been made of his case and remembers that the important thing is that the political forces of Mataró recognize and support the local police and provide them with all the human and material resources they need to carry out their duties. “work to be done to guarantee the safety of marathoners.”