It was a happy and cheerful Charlotte Bøving, that Saturday morning troppede up by Dennis Knudsen’s son’s christening.

She is close friends with kendisfrisøren and tells that they are talking together every day. Therefore she was, of course, also faithfully showed up, although she actually could report that she had been hospitalized as late as in the weekend.

The hårdtprøvede tv-doctor who among other things is known from programs such as ‘the Doctor moves into’ and ‘in Search of Silence’, have due to a kræftforløb got rid of six metastases and a total of 90 centimetres of his small intestine. And it was precisely the latter who was the cause of admission.

– I have over the weekend been with volvulus at Skejby Hospital, but I have it good again. A little morphine and a probe, so I was running again, said Charlotte Bøving and further explained on the course, she has been through.

– I was operated on for a cancer that was in my small intestine for two and a half to three years ago, and that removed the tumor. In november of last year was the inside and remove the six metastases, where they snatched the 70 centimeter more of my small intestine, after they had removed 20 centimeters in the first place.

the Event had, of course, live forever. Photo: Anthon Unger

– since then I have had a little tendency to near-volvulus, where I get very sore in the stomach and throws up, then there are some things I should avoid. I can’t eat quite as fibre, as I usually do and have a little more difficult to keep sulet on the body, because I lack much of my small intestine, said Charlotte Bøving.

Danish well-known – 7. sep. 2019 – at. 12:45 Kendissøn baptized: Amin Jensen surprised in the church

The small meter lack of small intestine also means that she often gets comments because she always stays so slim. And here she has a bold answer, she explained with a laugh.

– When people say to me ‘oh, we can’t all be as skinny as you’, I say ‘no, but In undværer also not a meter of small intestine all’.

– I have the super now. When the volvulus itself again, i.e. when there is the passage again, then you have it like you had it before, it went wrong, said Charlotte Bøving.

See also: Kræftramt tv-doctor: so it goes after the extensive operation

As Charlotte Bøving in 2016, stood up and told him that she was suffering from an incurable cancer of the small intestine and abdominal cavity, she thought she would die of it. But a German doctor, who had read her biography, disagreed. It ended up in the extensive operation in november, and today she can keep the disease at bay with a syringe.

– I get a spray a month keeps it in check, and then I scanned again 11. september. It is a very fateful date, but I know a little bit more. Hopefully there are fine track of it. I am counting on, she added.

28. september she is also a tv current again, when she DR2 is the coordinator of the program ‘Sick with worry’. Here looking she along with Mascha Vang, a closer look at how genetic testing can reveal what a person is particularly predisposed to diseases.