the Government can probably look forward to a helping hand from the Danish people’s Party.

And the hand can be extremely important if the government’s pre-election promises of earlier retirement for selected groups to become a reality.

Previously forligsjuraen questioned whether it was possible to tinker with the retirement age. But the stone seems to be cleared out of the way, because the lawyers in the ministry of Employment is now no longer believes that an agreement on the differential pension will break with earlier settlement.

– We are ready to negotiate a solution, if the Party presents a concrete model, that is to take and feel on, say beskæftigelsesordfører Bent Bøgsted (DF).

– I have previously said, that we of course stand by Velfærdsforliget. And the old government said that it would be in conflict with it. But I have said all the time, it would not surprise me if the lawyers by a government found a loophole.

– We would definitely like to do more run-down. But we have to see how it should be done.

Extra Leaf was in the winter to put the danes in the retirement age on the agenda. Since the total Party up the case, and argued a lower pension for destitute groups, such as the party’s main election promise.

See also: Government promises concrete pensionsforslag within one year

minister for Employment Peter Hummelgaard (S) said earlier Thursday to Ritzau, that the government will present a concrete model within a year.

SF’s beskæftigelsesordfører, Karsten Hønge, writes in a comment that he also is ready to negotiate.

– There is a need for more robust rights to them, which today is being forced a second time around in manegen after a long working life.

– it must Now be over with the flannel from the Danish people’s Party and The Radicals. We must roll up our sleeves, he writes.

At The Radical says beskæftigelsesordfører Samira Nawa, that you don’t see the need to focus on a may debate, when there is an agreement from the spring.

– I am concerned that there is a really good solution ready for those who are worn-out. I’m impatient to see implemented, so it is the way we should go, she says.