The Ombudsman of Greuges, Ángel Luna, has given a slap on the wrist to the parties and administrations in his appearance before the plenary session of Les Corts Valencianos. Luna recalled that the complaints he receives as defender of the Valencian people are a sample of the “street thermometer” and has regretted the lack of collaboration from some administrations, regardless of their political color.

Along these lines and, although he has assured that he would not like to do it, the option of exercising power over one of the prerogatives of the new law (of 2021) has been raised to urge Les Corts to bring some mayors to court for their refusal. to respond to the citizens and the Ombudsman himself. Luna was referring to the lack of collaboration from city councils of different political colors such as Benidorm, San Juan, Cheste, Moncada or Benaguasil.

Along these lines, Luna has denounced the lack of access to information by the opposition in Les Corts and in the town halls, after receiving complaints from representatives of “the entire political spectrum.” “If we do not recognize the legitimacy of our adversaries we are killing democracy”

In another order of things, the Ombudsman of Greuges has demanded from your honors a “Simplify plan” for the social services system because, as he has pointed out, it is “absolutely bureaucratized” and does not respond to the needs and problems of the most vulnerable groups. vulnerable.

However, during the debate in the Chamber, Luna was upset by the fact that each of the deputies from the different groups had used their turn to speak to defend their government’s numbers and criticize those of the other. It must be taken into account that his report analyzes the year 2023 when the Botànic first governed and, later, PP and Vox. Luna has regretted “the shrinking of spaces” of the parties to defend their current or past government actions and has indicated that he is not going to Les Corts to evaluate one government or another.

The Ombudsman of Greuges has dropped another message and has stressed that he is “concerned about political polarization”, because in his opinion this makes it difficult for the parties “to collaborate” which causes, according to Luna, that “the issues that are in conflict between two administrations are often doomed to failure.”