The Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia (TSJC) will judge from October 2 to November 29, with the Amnesty law predictably in force, the Minister of Culture, Natàlia Garriga; the former secretary of the Vice-presidency of the Generalitat and current leader of the ERC in Parliament, Josep Maria Jové, and the former secretary of the Treasury and current president of the Port of Barcelona, ​​Lluís Salvadó, for alleged disobedience in the preparations for 1-O, a judgment that it was postponed so as not to coincide with the 12-M campaign.

The trial was to begin on April 10 but was postponed without a new date due to the call for elections, and the lawyers of the case and the court met this Friday morning to share agendas: they have agreed on 14 days of trial distributed between these dates, according to a procedure from the TSJC.

The hearing will be held in morning and afternoon sessions: the sessions will begin at 9:00 and there will be a trial on October 2, 3, 14, 17, 28, 30 and 31 and 8, 11, 13, 14, 15, 25 and November 29. 

Before the trial was postponed, the defenses of Salvadó and Garriga asked to suspend it before the processing of the amnesty law, a request that Jové signed and which was opposed by the public accusations of the Prosecutor’s Office and the State Attorney’s Office and the popular accusation of Vox .

The court rejected it because it considered that the law, as it was still being processed, could not be taken into account “as a certain fact with the capacity to interfere or alter the course of the oral trial already convened,” and instead assessed that it would occur if it were approved and published.

The new trial date arrives this Friday with the expectation that the amnesty law will come into force within a week, the day after the vote in Congress next Thursday, and the defenses intend to once again ask to annul the trial once the law comes into operation. 

In this case, Garriga faces the Prosecutor’s request for a one-year disqualification for alleged disobedience, while the prosecutor demands seven years in prison for Jové, also president of the ERC National Council, and six years and three months for Salvadó. To the two of them, the prosecutor attributes the alleged crimes of disobedience – the same as to the councilor – in addition to alleged prevarication and aggravated embezzlement.

The prosecutor also claims to disqualify Jové, 32 years old, and Salvadó, 27 years and three months, and fine them 30,000 and 24,000 euros respectively, while requesting a fine of 18,000 euros for Garriga, who was then director of services for the Department headed by Oriol Junqueras. .