One day after the educational strike, the Department of Education, Universities and Employment communicated this Friday the complaint to the organizations that signed the staff agreement signed last year by the Botànic government when it was already in office. The STEPV, the majority union in Education, has indicated in a statement that these agreements were signed by all the unions of the Sectoral Table (STEPV, ANPE, CSIF, CCOO and UGT) in June 2023 with the Consell del Botànic, it has not yet been done. one year, to increase the educational system by 5,000 teachers during the 2023/24 and 2024/25 academic years.

The decision has been made, according to Campanar’s department, after “analyzing the agreement and verifying that it lacked the necessary controls, timely impact reports and budget for its application.” Thus, after a request made by the Directorate of Teaching Personnel to the Generalitat Attorney’s Office, it has concluded that it is a “general provision that is null and void.”

In this regard, the regional Secretary of Education, Daniel McEvoy, has considered that the current Ministry “has no choice but to denounce this agreement in order to guarantee a framework of legal security for teachers and that is why we are going to proceed to annul it.” “That does not mean that there are not adequate staff in the centers, on the contrary, the staff is guaranteed,” he emphasizes.

“It is important for teachers – he continues – that there is an adequate legal framework to guarantee their security in the future, something that does not exist with the legal framework used by the previous government. That’s why we are forced to cancel it.”

According to Education sources, the Lawyer’s report highlights that “the criteria adopted and the expansion of the workforce compromise multi-year credits that cover the entire legislature” and that “it is evident that said decision affects the programming of the investment policy.” educational that, due to its significance and scope, seems to exceed what should be considered an ordinary office.” 

“We find ourselves with a situation similar to that which occurred with the Pla Edificant files that were also signed by the Botànic while it was in office, thus exceeding the powers and compromising budget items for the current Government,” explained the regional Secretary of Education.

The template agreement was signed by the Ministry then directed by Raquel Tamarit and the unions, which were informed this morning of the complaint.

McEvoy has explained that according to the economic report that accompanied the Primary Agreement in 2023 “resources reserved for the Improvement Action Program (PAM) were used, and for 2024 funds reserved for the aforementioned program were also foreseen, specifically the double”.

“The will of the Ministry is to dialogue and negotiate with the union forces to achieve a well-done template agreement, with the pertinent reports, the budget and the necessary legal guarantees and we hope to take the first steps with the unions in the coming days with the convocation of a Sectoral Table and the preparation of an order that improves the agreement,” he concluded.

For its part, the STEPV has considered that the intention of the Department of Education in denouncing and nullifying the staff agreement is to “cut” the teacher staff. The union has explained that the Ministry has called this Friday, one day after the educational strike, the unions of the Education Sector Board for May 30, in order to denounce the agreement on primary, secondary and FP and propose a negotiation calendar for a new agreement so that it comes into force for the next academic year.